You're the finest thing that I've done

Jun 18, 2008 21:08

I made a Wordle of the latest page of my journal!

Dublin is, of course, the hugest, followed by Kate, Dara, and Niall, along with "boys" due to my tagging system. It's kind of hilarious how exactly that reflects my number one loves of the moment. I miss Dublin so much. Me and my girls (Kate, Emily, Cary, and Megan) from Dublin have set up a group blog called The Ex-Ex-Pats wherein we post about our lives so we can all keep up with each other and support each other through the process of withdrawal which only we truly understand. I love them all and I think it's a brilliant idea.

I had a really good day today. My dad is a teacher, so he gets a lot of presents from his (very well-off) students, and we took advantage of them today. He had 200 dollars worth of Borders gift certificates, so I got to go on a book shopping spree, whee! I bought the first two novels of Raymond Feist's series, which I've always wanted to read, an Ursula K Le Guin, a little book of Sudoku, a pretty journal, and an autobiography by Sean Wilsey, an author who visited my school a couple years ago. So exciting! :D Then after that we took his 100 dollar gift certificate to this AMAAAAAZING Chinese restaurant where I had the most fantastic meal. And the very kind waiter started out by asking me if I wanted wine :D I got a lovely Chinese beer and was most pleased.

I also got a haircut! It's bouncy and short and summery and I heart it to death.

Tomorrow I face the daunting task of going through all my stuff, and then driving down to Lancaster by myself! Yikes!

dublin - my girls, dublin - missing, rl, dublin, daddy, summer 08

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