I'm sure I didn't ruin her

Jun 16, 2008 00:13

I'm sleepy and a little bit depressed, so this won't be long. Just checking in.

Being home is strange. I always love being with my dad, but this house is small and messy and suffocating. I itch to do things and see people, but I can't. Because they're across the ocean or scattered across the states. I skyped with Niall today, which was lovely - we were using webcams, and we were both smiling so hard our faces hurt. It was the first time I'd seen his face since I kissed him goodbye at the airport. I adore him. And I sent an email to Dara with slim hope of getting a reply, then 20 minutes later, bam, he answered. It pretty much made my evening. And gives me hope that we might actually stay in touch. I also skyped with Kate, though not very long because the poor dear is sick and her throat hurts a lot.

I know these names don't really mean anything to you. This journal has really become a very personal thing, almost a diary, where I record things I want to remember. Soon I'm going to sit down and just write about Ireland, while it is gloriously fresh in my memory. I want to remember everything.

So that this entry has a point... I want to move to Ireland at some point, perhaps after graduating from college (I have one year left), and I was wondering if any of you had any insight on something like that. Like, how hard is it to move from one country to another, particularly the States to Europe? What are the chances of me finding a good job with just a BA in Chemistry? Should I do grad school right away instead of trying to go the employment route first, and grad school later? Any practical advice would be much appreciated - I don't like daydreaming about something without concrete facts to think about.

I just know I need to go back there.

Wow, yawning my face off - I'm still totally on Ireland time and jetlagged. Night loves.

dublin - missing, boys - niall, boys - dara

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