To wage this war against your faith in me

Nov 05, 2007 13:49

Dudettes! I would like your advice.

So erode and I are in a bit of a pickle. The MCR tickets we were buying fell through because the person selling them found out she could go after all. So, needless to say, we still REALLY REALLY WANT TO GO.

Enter eBay. Oh god.

So there's this one person selling several pairs of tickets in a really good section of the arena. They're not suuuuper expensive either. I'd love to get a pair at a reasonable price, but I'm not sure how to go about it. I haven't bid yet because I think that just encourages the price to go higher, right? Three of the auctions end tonight so I plan to keep a hawk eye on them to the bitter end and hopefully emerge victorious at the last second. It's risky though because there's no way of knowing what kind of max bid the person who's already bid has made. This is why I hate auctions! Augh.

So, is there anyone familiar with eBay auctions who can give me some advice on how to proceed? Here are the auctions I'm looking at. I've got my eye on the one that ends the earliest, but there's a couple that end a couple hours later that have no bids yet, so I'm gonna see how it goes. But anyway, advice? Please? We reeeeeeally want to go and I'd hate to be disappointed because I failed at eBay.

Gah. *flailyhands* I WANNA GO. MYCHEM. GAHHH. HELP.

bandom - mcr, bandom - mcr - concert

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