(no subject)

Nov 04, 2007 03:38

I had a lovely relaxing day with Colin today. I spent the night last night and then we didnt emerge from his room until, um, 4 PM. Yeah. We watched Heroes when we woke up, and his VLC is set to repeat, so the episode replayed uh, 3 more times before we were, hmm, unoccupied. Haha, yeah. Anyway! Very relaxing day :)

I want to talk about TEEVEE! Surprise!

First, before I get to the squee, WHY IS NO ONE TALKING ABOUT THE WRITERS GUILD STRIKE???? Unless you are and I've missed it which is completely logical since I haven't been keeping up with most of my flist. But. This is BAD NEWS BEARS. It starts tomorrow, or something, and means that NO MORE TV will get written. Daily Show is going off the air, 24 won't have a complete season, etc etc. Colin said the last strike, in 1988, went on for 6 months and fucked a whole bunch of shows all to hell.

GAH. *panics a little* This is particularly bad news for BSG, but it's just bad all around, and I'm so nervous! Does anyone have any more information that might make me feel a bit better? I heard about it first from reading articles about Joss's new show, where he said it couldn't start getting written until after the strike. Gah! *flaaaail*

Okay, now we get to the squee, because you guys, TV IS AWESOME.

Heroes: So as mentioned above, I watched this episode once and then heard it three more times, so I practically have it memorized, lmao. Mr. Bennet is simultaneously scaring and thrilling me. He's all hardcore and kind of evil, and I'm really wondering what we don't know about him, but he's still the awesome daddy and he loves his Clairebear so much and wow, he kind of makes me flail a little! I love you Noah!

Monica is really growing on me, she's very sweet, and I'm glad Mohinder didn't give her the virus! That would have been awful. Yay Mohinder, taking a stand! Though this partnership with "Nikki" (that certainly seemed like Jessica to me) can only go bad places.

Sylar's little monologue to Alejandro was super creepy, but I have a feeling it's going to come back to bite him in the ass. How can Maya speak good English and Alejandro have none? I can't believe that Alejandro understands ZERO English. I bet he got the gist of Sylar's insanity and will probably be gunning for him, or at least keeping a hawk's eye on him. I was kind of surprised at how ready Alejandro was to leave Maya, though I don't think he would have gone through with it.

Claire and West's "prank" was really intense o.O There are other ways to publicly humiliate someone, okay? I mean, pantsing someone is a lot less traumatizing, does not involve the police, and still gets the job done, am I right? Crazy kids.

OH NOES HIRO! *worries*

All in all another really solid episode. I'm loving this season!

SPN: Eeeee, so much awesome here! I loved the plot, it was creepy and funny and sad by turns, everything the show does really well. But who cares about that, because OMG WINCHESTERS!!! The woobie angsty brotherlove is BACK with a VENGEANCE! Ohmyheart. First with the "I can't imagine anything worse" and then "You just want me to let you go?" and OH. *CLUTCHES HEART* Oh and the argument at the beginning! BOYS! And then Sammy! Sammy the hardass! <3333 Also, HI SANDY! I thought she was pretty good, not fantastic but definitely decent. That was a pretty nifty idea :) This episode felt a lot more like the intense emotional awesomeness that was the beginning of S2, and I was very glad for it. Keep it up, show! ♥

SGA: Travelers - incredibly boring. I literally fell asleep halfway through. It was kind of cool that the Wraith made another appearance, but it was very brief, and then there was a girl and Sheppard and not enough Rodney and yeah, snooze time.

However, Tabula Rasa: AMAZING!! The beginning was awesome and creepy, with Rodney tied up and then seeing the little note, and it just got better and better from there. I loved the intercut timelines, they converged to the middle really well. There was LOTS of Rodney being awesome and competent and RODNEY. Ronon and Teyla both really stepped up to the plate and showed off THEIR awesome too! And everyone was so different without their memories, it was really fascinating. The whole thing felt very apocalyptic, I thought it was done fantastically well. Lorne and company were very creepy as "the soldiers."

And just as I was prepared to love an episode dearly despite the near lack of McShep, "WHERE'S MCKAY?" I mean. Seriously? John finds out people are dying from the disease and what does he say? "WHERE'S MCKAY" Oh, my god. CANONNNN. <33333333

I think it's funny that there's a Buffy episode of the same name ALSO about the main characters losing their memories. That one was played up for far more hilarity though ("Randy Giles? Why didn't you just name me Horny Giles, or Desperate For A Shag Giles?" AHAHAHA) while this felt dark and intense. I LOVED IT.

Colin watched SGA with me, and he really liked it a lot! \o/ I'm going to work on getting him started from the beginning, hurrah! He also hasn't seen BSG! He's a geek but a not quite fully accomplished one - he just doesn't ever get around to dedicating the time to it. I will fix that! :D

Colin has invited me to go watch a Trinity rugby match, in which his sister in law will be playing and where I will get to meet his VERY pregnant sister! I'm pretty excited, meeting the family and all :D Should be fun!

stargate atlantis, trinity, tv, heroes, supernatural s3, episode reactions - sga, dublin, episode reactions - heroes, boys - colin, episode reactions - spn

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