Rank and regiment!

Mar 20, 2007 23:58

I'm watching the pilot of Farscape, and I can already FEEL the joy and squee BUBBLING up in my chest! It's WONDERFUL. I'm not quite done yet, but I just have to mark this for posterity:

I fell in love with John Crichton when he pulled a fork out of his sleeve and bopped it against his nose.

:D! :D! :D!

Further thoughts behind the cut!

episode reactions - farscape, farscape, tv

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Comments 31

*FLAIL* redbrickrose March 21 2007, 04:43:07 UTC
I just finished rewatching all of Farscape tonight, actually, so I am so very full of renewed squee.

Ben Browder/John Crichton - made of AWESOME.
Just wait for the angst and the leather pants.

And Aeryn! Aeryn Sun! I'm already completely smitten by her too!
Just wait for learning to emote. And the leather pants. (I guess she has them already doesn't she? The costuming just gets better though, you'll see what I mean).

I am already so excited to see how their relationship develops into the het OTP to end all OTPs

OMG. And it does. Oh, does it ever. They are probably my OTP of ALL TIME.

Zhaan, D'Argo and Rygel. *g*

I have so much pure, true love for that show.


Re: *FLAIL* exsequar March 21 2007, 11:06:53 UTC
Leather pants! Angst! Emoting! YAY! I am all giddy and atwirl. *happysigh*

Names! Thank you! I'm sure I will remember those... eventually.... ^_^


jebbypal March 21 2007, 04:44:16 UTC
blue priest - zhaan
orange lion guy - d'argo
And the peacekeeper you are talking about: Crais.

So you haven't seen the series before? I'll do my best not to spoil you. You should check out sdwolfpup's memories -- she did a write up and reaction to each episode as she watched it the first time.



exsequar March 21 2007, 11:08:09 UTC
I haven't! I know, lame right? Well, I'm making up for it now ^_^ I love how you're all smiling at me with fond amusement as I flail myself silly over such an old show. Hee.

Aha! Proper spellings! *makes note to self*

And thanks for the rec, i just might do that! :)


the5thmarauder March 21 2007, 04:52:49 UTC
The blonde lieutenant to the guy who lost his brother (Crace? Krace?) looks EXACTLY like Draco Malfoy!

And THIS is why I love you!!!!!!!! ♥♥♥

You do realise that your watching of this has made me want to rewatch. I loved this show so much when it came out. And Aeryn and John are the OTP of OTP's. They're UST personified XD

*dances with you*


exsequar March 21 2007, 11:08:45 UTC
Is that the ONLY reason you love me? ;) Heehee.

Rewatch with me!! It'll be FUN! *beams and dances you in circles*


offtheceiling March 21 2007, 05:03:37 UTC

One day, I will go on and on and on at you about my love for Moya. I just...yes.


exsequar March 21 2007, 11:09:01 UTC


vertrauen March 21 2007, 06:42:11 UTC
*cheers you on*


exsequar March 21 2007, 11:09:41 UTC
N'awwww, look at your icon! I think the full version of that picture, posted by keepaofthecheez, was what spurred me to buy the series in the first place! :D


vertrauen March 21 2007, 11:32:50 UTC
I ADORE the Peacekeeper Wars promos. Claudia, Ben, guns, leather... great combinations, IMO.


exsequar March 21 2007, 11:36:06 UTC
Any chance you could link me to a gallery of them? Unless there's spoilers. Cause hey - PRETTY! :) Also, I'm going to want a gallery of pictures to look at soon anyway!


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