Rank and regiment!

Mar 20, 2007 23:58

I'm watching the pilot of Farscape, and I can already FEEL the joy and squee BUBBLING up in my chest! It's WONDERFUL. I'm not quite done yet, but I just have to mark this for posterity:

I fell in love with John Crichton when he pulled a fork out of his sleeve and bopped it against his nose.

:D! :D! :D!

Further thoughts behind the cut!

Ben Browder/John Crichton - made of AWESOME. Funny and resourceful and adorably bemused by all the random ALIENS around him. Plus, he got all misty eyed at the end when he was recording the message to his father! I love a man who's not afraid to cry. Nawww! *smishes him to chest*

And Aeryn! Aeryn Sun! I'm already completely smitten by her too! She's GORGEOUS (pictures definitely don't do her full justice) but far more than that, she's competent, intense, snarky, and AWESOME. \o/ I love her like whoa. And she and John? Mountains of chemistry already!! *squirms* I am already so excited to see how their relationship develops into the het OTP to end all OTPs :D

God, the whole thing is just so wonderful! Moya is GORGEOUS. She reminds me of the shape of an Ancient drone missile from Stargate Atlantis, all graceful and tapered. And the effect of the Starburst? Be still my heart! Absolutely beautiful.

The rest of the cast of characters is great too. I love the blue priest lady (help me with names here guys!) and the orange lion guy is all hot-tempered and gruff and fabulous. And the hoity toity puppet guy is greatly entertaining!

Randomly: The blonde lieutenant to the guy who lost his brother (Crace? Krace?) looks EXACTLY like Draco Malfoy! With her hair pulled back all tight, she's got the exact same facial shape (pointy pointy chin!), the same eyes and eyebrows, etc. It's rather shocking! Hee.

In short, I LOVE SO HARD!!! Look, I've already got an icon! I can tell this show is going to eat me starting with my bottom ;) And I am SO EXCITED. *glees happily*

Come flail with me, friends! \o/

episode reactions - farscape, farscape, tv

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