(no subject)

Mar 10, 2007 21:24

More car drama. BIG drama this time.

MY CAR BROKE DOWN ON THE WAY HOME! *holds head in hands* Actually, to be more accurate, I think my clutch finally had enough of my abuse and gave up the ghost. I'm still learning, and it really isn't pretty sometimes! So it decided to stop being able to accelerate and make loud grinding noises instead, so I had to pull over. I burst into hysterical sobs and called my dad, probably giving him a heart attack. I'm lucky I had Michelle there to calm me down or I would have completely fallen to pieces.

In short, police showed up, called a tow truck, my dad came to pick me up (luckily I was only a half hour from home instead of, say, four hours) and the truck took my car to a garage. In all the ordeal took about an hour or so. It was stressful, but the policeman was really funny and sweet, and I got to see my daddy. I'm rather wracked with guilt because I'm pretty sure I ruined my car, but hopefully (*crosses fingers*) it won't cost too much or take too long to fix.

Then we went to an AMAZING restaurant that was recommended to be my lyra_wing called The Melting Pot. OOOOOMG SO GOOD. Three courses of fondue: cheese, meat in oil, and chocolate. MMMMPH. It took 2 hours and... a lot of dollars, but it was *delicious* and wonderful and fun and went a long way to taking my mind off killing my car. We went for my daddy's birthday.

I'm glad to be home for spring break, it's nice. I miss my daddy and my sister when I'm at school. So, yay. I think today on the whole balances out.

And I have my shiny new SGA S2 DVDs! YAAAAY!

stargate atlantis, family, rl, college, betty the white subaru

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