A CAG and his hotshot pilot

Mar 09, 2007 01:07

I just watched the BSG season 1 episode "Act of Contrition." And God - I LOVE the first season of Battlestar. And to a certain extent the second season, especially the first half. It's much less depressing than the show has gotten. It's always been dark and unrelenting, but it also had a sense of humor. The people weren't nearly has hopeless and downtrodden. They still had spark, they still had the energy to banter and laugh and love. Kara and Lee's relationship in the first year and a half of this show is my favorite male-female relationship in... anything. Ever. I love every single second they are on screen together. I just watched a S1 Kara/Lee music video that I have loved for ages, and it brought me to tears - they are just so gorgeous together. BECAUSE they are so messed up, and they love each other in spite of it all. And Kara... oh, Kara. She's been so fucked up lately that my love for her, while still strong, was tempered by despair. But S1 Kara? I just love her, purely and truly. I need to rewatch more of S1, because this? This I love. Maybe I'm a wimp, but I like a bit of happyshiny with my gallons of angst, thankyouverymuch. Even when that happyshiny comes in the form of Kara and Lee popping each other in the face.

I miss them.

kara/lee, bsg

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