I think in the grand scheme of things, we're good aren't we? - Of course!

Feb 24, 2007 01:51

So guess who's coming to give a lecture at my school? Dr. John Sheppard! Heee. I am deeply amused.

I watched SGA 3x14 Tao of Rodney with my friend Rob tonight. I've rewatched it like 15 times, but he hadn't seen it yet. So basically... this is the slashiest episode... ever. In the history of ever. No really. McShep might as well be canon. It begins with John volunteering immediately to watch over Rodney when he's freaking out about becoming a danger - Elizabeth is frustrated and fed up, and John's just like "I'll hang out with him! It's what I'd do anyway." and it's so cute. And from there it just gets better and better.

Of course the highlight is the last meditation scene and then the scene in the infirmary bed. I've watched them both so many times I can't count. What always gets me is how focused they are on John's reaction, specifically, to Rodney's ordeal. Teyla and Ronon are silent, and Elizabeth only has trite, unimportant things to say. It's John's voice that soothes Rodney sufficiently to bring him to those blue skies and down to 0.03 Hz. It's John whose eyes are red with barely suppressed tears. It's John who suggests retrying the meditation. It's John who the camera lands on most frequently. And it's John who says, in a broken, hoarse whisper, "There must be something we can do." It makes me so happy for the importance of their friendship to be so blatantly acknowledged, both by the showmakers and the characters themselves. Elizabeth's logic for assigning John to help Rodney with his meditation is SO FLIMSY, and it's so obvious that the real reason is that John is the only person Rodney will trust/listen to/feel comfortable with. How much do I love that John loves Ferris wheels? Apparently even more than he loves flying. Oh, John. *squishes him to chest*

But John and Rodney. Yes. So after watching the ep with Rob, I said to him, I want your opinion on something. And he was like o...kay. So I said, Rodney had to make these huge gestures to reconcile with Radek, Ronon, Teyla, and Elizabeth, right? But with John, he simply said "I think, in the grand scheme of things, we're good, right?" and John makes a priceless John face of 'why the hell would you ask that?' and declares "Of course!" as though it's not even a question. And I asked Rob... what do you make of that? (I was very curious to see how Rodney and John's relationship comes across to a person who is completely unaware of, and completely thrown by when I imply it, slash.) And Rob said that he thinks that John and Rodney are definitely the closest, always have been, that they have the most genuine friendship/relationship on the show. He talked about how their bickering/teasing is really something only people who really care for each other do. And so we went on in that vein for a little while, and this was me: :D \o/ :D I was so happy that he said all that! I mean, sometimes I worry that my slash goggles make me focus too much on every tiny interaction between them, and that it completely skews what their relationship is supposed to be coming across as, canonically. So it was really nice to hear from Rob how well John and Rodney's relationship works even in a completely platonic way.

I love them, so much. Gyah.

Further thoughts on that scene before Rodney collapses - Rodney asks John to read his eulogy. That is a HUGE gesture. That is saying - you know me best, I trust you the most, I leave my memory in your hands. As Mona said, it basically establishes John as Rodney's wife. And it doesn't stop there. Oh no. Rodney feels the need to tell John about all the plans for his remains, and that he wishes to be cremated. He's essentially entrusting everything to John. And John is just denial boy - no, we are not talking about this, because you are not dying. Oh, OW. And how John stands up, all in Rodney's space, and says quietly, tiredly, "Rodney-" and it is only Rodney's seizure that interrupts what was going to be an instance of the well-proven kiss-McKay-to-shut-him-up method that Sheppard is so fond of. And how John gently caresses Rodney's arm after he's collapsed, leaving his hand on Rodney's shoulder.... *flail flail* (See icon!)

Okay I swear I'll shut up soon. But wait, one more thing! When they're bringing Rodney to the room to save him, Ronon carries Rodney over to the platform and John practically falls to his knees to help Ronon put Rodney down safely. And then again when Rodney wakes up - John is right there, heart in his throat. Cue more flailing.

Yeah, favorite episode of SGA. Hands down. *happy sigh*

It's Friday! The week from hell is over! \o/ *watches Angel and reads Wincest and McShep fic* Yay!

stargate atlantis, rob, episode reactions - sga, college, mcshep

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