He tastes like you, only sweeter...

Feb 22, 2007 18:28

Good news! I finished my orgo exam, and I think I did just fine! :D It's a good thing I started studying as early as I did (Sunday, I believe?) because it gave me plenty of time to become fully comfortable with the material, and conversant with its usage in many contexts. *pats self on the back* So glad it's over :D

In not so good news, still sick. Still hacking up lungs continuously. I almost hate this kind of sickness more than deathly flus - with a cough and sneeze etc, you can still function, still go to class and everything, but you're semi-miserable throughout. But you're not sick enough to justify just flopping into bed and sleeping forever and generally being a blob. It's very annoying :P *blows nose again*

Occasionally while cataloging at the library, I come across a book that amuses me for some reason or another. Today's example was "Ancient Rhetorical Theory" by R. Dean Anderson. Hee! (For the uninitiated, one of the lead actors on Stargate SG-1 is Richard Dean Anderson, and the people who built the stargates are called the Ancients)

Alas, my day is not yet over. Still have an hour of choir! But that's okay - I'll deal. ORGO IS DONE! \o/

random, rl, college, sick, orgo

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