Mama, we all go to hell!

Jan 30, 2007 20:58

It feels like I haven't posted in forever! Of course I check and my last post is yesterday morning, but that's LJ-forever, okay? Hee.

I'm in love with the My Chemical Romance album. I know I'm late to the party, but whatever. SO MUCH FUN. They're so cheerful about all these awful things! My favorite is "Dead!" because they bop along and sing joyfully about this: "Haaaaave you heard the news that you're dead?? No one ever had much nice to say, I think I never liked you anyway!" Heehee. My other favorite is "Teenagers." These guys can certainly jam!

Today is the birthday of our very own MONA!! I already wished her happy birthday in her present comm slutty_thatway, but it bears repeating - HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONA! My life would be void and listless without you. *mwah*

Our fandom is simply rolling in the joy lately. We've got:

  • Three
  • New
  • Interviews
  • (Jsquared "Blood Brothers"; JA and JDM being adorable; and Jared and Jensen as cowboys, respectively)

  • Promo
  • Pics
  • (2x14 (SPOILERY) and 2x15, respectively)

  • And THREE director's cuts for 2x13!

    Other highlights from the fandom include:

  • An awesome Animated Supernatural/J2 moodtheme by caugraphics
  • A super fun Jsquared music vid by frances_veritas
  • A gorgeous Jsquared manip/wallpaper by lost_witness

    And I'm sure there's been much fantastic fic produced, as USUAL, but I haven't had any time to read it! *woes* I suppose this is time to apprise you all of my situation - I HATE my schedule this semester. With the fire of a thousand suns. It gives me no time to breathe, and most importantly no time to keep up with YOU lovely people. I'm less than three weeks into it, and already I'm feeling frayed at the edges. It's terrible, and terrifying. I hope I can make it through this semester mentally intact - not guaranteed at all.

    Meanwhile, I'm making awesome plans for the FUTURE, and it's making me want to time jump by about 4 months. I have that research position this summer, which will be so cool, and then DUBLIN NEXT YEAR OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't capslock about that ENOUGH because, I just... I'm speechless with joy and amazement that I am getting this opportunity! I spoke to my study abroad advisor about the specifics for the first time on Monday! He gave me a hard copy of the application (*squees into fists* It's REAL!) and I have to start filling it out soon, as well as getting a transcript and recommendation. The details of what courses I'm going to take are complicated, and it looks like it's going to be difficult to work out, but SO WHAT. I really... don't care. Because it WILL work and I will be in DUBLIN. *giddy sigh*

    So all that? That excitement? That's the only thing that's keeping me sane and optimistic right now. The day to day drudgery of this semester makes me want to shoot myself in the face. *headdesk*

    Well, that and Winchesters. IS IT THURSDAY YET??
  • spn links, rl, mona, bandom - mcr, music, supernatural, links, birthdays, dublin, college

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