(no subject)

Jan 29, 2007 07:38

*squeeflails* Omg!

Okay, two things.

One, ckll just posted scans of a new Jsquared interview!!. The article is called BLOOD BROTHERS and all it is is Jensen and Jared talking about their "spooky bond"!!!! It's SO adorable, and they say things like "Whenever we get the chance, we'll hang out." Jensen also says "He's got a girlfriend and I love her to death" - Susan I thought of you! Heehee. They are just the cutest things ever, omg.

Second, KANE HAS A NEW SONG! Eeeeeeee! It was the first email I opened when I woke up, and let me tell you, that was a NICE wakeup. Much nicer than being woken up from a beautiful dream, ARGH, stupid brain! ANYWAY. It's SO RIDICULOUSLY GOOD, and when this album comes out I'm going to combust. It's streaming on their MySpace: Go listen!

In TV news...

I finished SGA S2!! Thoughts to come later, when I don't have to leave for class in 10 minutes.

BSG - BLAAAARGH. And that's all I've got to say.

Except - *squeeflail*! This all is going to make my day from hell MUCH easier to bear. Yay for that.

stargate atlantis, kane, articles, music, supernatural, links, jsquared, episode reactions - bsg, bsg

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