I'm a One Shot Wonder!

Dec 17, 2006 00:57

So ya'll know that Dr. Who/Torchwood nonsense you've been squealing about? Well I'm finally CAVING. *shakes head* It was only a matter of time.

I expressed interest to Michelle about seeing Torchwood, and she was like oooh well first you should meet Jack! So she showed me the first ep that Jack appears in (The Empty Child and the second part, which *shivers* CREEPY!) and then the two part season finale (we skipped the one in between, except for the beginning scene with "Through TIME! and SPACE!" Cutest EVER) and oh my god, SO GOOD! *flappyhands* I love Rose and the Doctor and JACK! Oh JACK. When he's in that white tshirt, holding the gun and speechifying impassionedly? I THINK I FELT MY OVARIES EXPLODE. Nnnnngh.

So now Rach has pointed me to where I can acquire Torchwood, and I'm on my way baby!

Also, LOOK! I already have an ICON! Because seriously, that man's smile? Is shockingly, mind-bogglingly brilliant. Good lord.

Oh also! I was watching ep 3x12 Provision of Angel, and I saw in the guest names JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN! I squeaked really loudly and flailed about. And he was lovely! All young and round faced and smooth and suitified and awwwww JEFF! *snuggles him* Also? His part was so ridiculously gay, I can't even *hands* His "business partner" had died, and he was going to these ridiculous extreme lengths to get back his friend's watch from the vamps that killed him, because he (Jeff) gave him the watch. I mean, COME ON. That couldn't be any more gay if they TRIED. *loves forever and ever*

jeffrey dean, episode reactions - angel, dr who, michelle, tv, angel, torchwood, captain jack, episode reactions - drwho

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