(no subject)

Dec 16, 2006 02:32


Oh I love this show! I love it SO MUCH!

Of course I must get this out of the way: KARALEEEEEEE!!!!!!1!!11!1one!!! Oh, my GOD. How HAPPY did it make my heart to see them making out and being smiley and happy and lovey together?! While SOBER, no less! I just... *bounces up and down with glee* TWO AND A HALF SEASONS of UST and it's CANON, BIATCHES! *happy happy sigh* I don't often get the joy of ships rewarded with canon, so this is like... EEEEEE. Although of COURSE there's a catch, of COURSE they have to torture themselves, and of COURSE Sam is like super awesome and makes me feel bad for him. I didn't like him before, wtf! But now he's all "I'm not leaving my wife to die" and Lee's all "To the mission dude!" and I'm like WTF LEE. Get some balls! So that was a bizarre turnaround!

Did anyone else think the promo was really strange? Extremely abbreviated, focusing ONLY on Kara/Sam/Lee/Dee, when in all honesty that's a kind of secondary plot line? I mean, compared to Adama potentially NUKING HIS SON AND ALL THE OTHERS DOWN THERE, and also centurions on the way, and Gaius and Deeanna on some crazyass mission (leaving poor Six behind, sniff!). I guess they just wanted to give us SOMETHING to chew on, but not give away anything vital. Looks like Dee might be redeeming herself to me a little bit... heh.

Speaking of the Cylon Hotties Plus Gaius trio, has fandom leapt on this opportunity and written scorching CANON THREESOME PORN??? Because SERIOUSLY. It's a threesome! In canon! I just... *hands* I mean, personally it wouldn't be my cup of tea (I prefer 2+ guys in my threesomes, thanks) but dude. I have to assume fandom is all over that. Because it wouldn't be fandom otherwise.

I really liked the scene between Cally and Chief in the temple. It actually gave their relationship some depth, which it was utterly lacking to me before, and it gave Cally something of a personality! It was sweet and quiet and thoughtful, and I liked it a lot.

Anders and Lee and Kara look fucking HOT sweaty and covered in dirt. For serious.

Kara snarking at Dee made me laugh and shake my head. Oh STARBUCK. *draws hearts*

Adama's making me go o.O and I wonder what the fuck he's got up his sleeve.

And the baby secret came out! It had to, at some point. I'm interested to see where they take that!

Ummmmm all in all a fantastic episode and yay what an awesome show!

And then... WEDDING WARS! *laughs* In case you didn't know, this is a silly new A&E movie about a man who hires his gay brother as his wedding planner, but when the gay brother finds out the bride's father (the governor of Maine) is against gay marriage, he goes on strike. It's silly and over the top and stereotyped and so goofy, but... BUT! IT'S GOT SEAN MAHER AND JOHN STAMOS BEING THE CUTEST BOYFRIENDS EVER!!! They KISS and HUG and declare their LOVE and SLOW DANCE and catch the BOUQUET and *squirms* SO ADORABLE. I want to have Sean Maher's babies, for serious, because he is the most adorkable, sweet guy EVER. Ya'll know I LOVE Simon, so I wasn't expecting anything different, but !!!!! I love him SO SO much. It was totally worth it for the two of them being crazy adorable. I also love John Stamos from Full House, and I always thought he was crazy hot, and he SINGS in this movie! Eeeeee! What a fun movie *grins* And here's a picture to make you smile!

I also just rewatched the majority of Bloodlust and *flail* my love for that episode knows NO BOUNDS. I seriously think it's my favorite of the entire series thus far. Uhm, hence my 90+ item list of reasons why I love it \o/ (Oh, and! Since I'm watching on TiVo, the promo for CSPWDT just came up, and I forgot how they had the shot of them by the car and the voice over goes "True love..." HEE! *clappyhands*)

gay, pictures, movies, tv, supernatural, episode reactions - bsg, bsg, boykissing, sean maher

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