Jo, Dad, and Danny

Oct 27, 2006 23:59

The problem with updating my icons is that I subsequently want to make a GIP for EVERY ONE OF THE NEW ONES! Gosh. I have such a passionate love affair with icons. I've already got two or three from every new ep this season *facepalm* But right now I will use this icon, because I am declaring myself a Jo-friendly. Everyone seems to be taking the automatic tack of hating her, and I just think she's cute and spunky and fun.

My only problem with Jo is that she seems YOUNG, like, younger-than-Sammy young, and it kind of bothers me that she's being set up as a love interest for Dean. I mean, how she puts the moves on Dean is so adorable, and believable because HI what red blooded woman WOULDNT hit on Dean? and I LIKE that arrangement. I like her crushing hopelessly on Dean, while he puts up with it with kind amusement. But I.. don't buy that they could have any kind of deep, real relationship. You know? I don't really want them to take it in that direction. They act more like big brother-little sister right now, and one incestuous pairing is all I've got room for, thanks :P But really, I hope that they'll make her important in some other way instead.

Today was a VERY busy day. But a good day! I had two classes at 8 and 9, then I cleaned my room, then I had lab at 12:30 and my DADDY arrived around 1. He had been driving from Connecticut since 9 to come see me :D He came to my lab and hung out for a while, met my professor and they talked and got along nicely :) Then I finished up lab and Dad and I went to where I was giving my presentation about my summer research, which went quite well. Then daddy took me SHOPPING and I bought three pairs of pants, yay. Then we went out to dinner, which was very nice. THEN (this is like a 5 year old's story, I'm sorry, I'm so tired) I sang in a choral concert and my daddy stayed even though he had to drive four hours to get home in order to go to a work-related thing tomorrow, and the concert went very well and I had to say goodbye to my dad and I cried. Again.

I love my daddy. A lot. It was so wonderful to spend the day with him.

And just to put the icing on the cake, I have a small bit of Danny squee! After the concert, as dad and I were leaving, I suddenly saw him in the lobby mingling with everyone else, and I stopped and said "Hey Danny!" brightly and he turned and said "hey!" with a big smile. Then he complimented me on the show, I said thanks and also thanked him for coming, and then there were cheerful goodbyes and I was on my way. But I was so distracted for a minute I actually missed what my dad was saying to me! Danny put the WHAMMY on me, ya'll. That smile... jesus. I am so smitten.

So it was a good day. I am SO TIRED. But it was good :)

internship msu, rl, boys - danny, college, daddy, supernatural

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