SN 2x05 Simon Said

Oct 26, 2006 23:52

I *love* our show. I really do.

I was clutching and leaping on Michelle - I'm sorry baby, I know you're sick, I shouldn't have done that! I just can't help myself! The things these boys DO to me.

I LOVE ASH. "Well hell, I guess I need pants then". TOO PERFECT OMG *draws a zillion hearts* I love that Sam couldnt get Ash to come out, but Dean got the workings of Ash's bizarre mind and knew to call him DR BADASS. I just love Ash with all my tiny little heart.

I love Andy. He's adorable and a bit of a dork but he's just HAPPY with the little things and man he's a sweetheart. Awww. I hope we see him back again.

I like Jo. Much more than I did after ELAC. She had a bit of sassy spunk to her this episode ("I guess you'll be taking a truck nap!" and "...and I'm fine") and also her crush on Dean is adorably inept. Oh god the music. I liked her quite a bit this ep, and I'm GLAD, because it's not like I WANT to hate part of this show. Sam/Dean will forever and always be true to me, regardless of who else they throw in, so I'd rather LIKE who they do throw in, ya know?

I love Dean supporting Sam with his visions. I love "You've always been a freak *thighslap*". I love Dean's hand resting comfortingly on Sam's back as Sam angsts about the doctor getting smooshed - it's on Sam for the whole time the camera's panning towards them, and he only slides it off as they start talking. It's just the sweetest thing. (HUG ALREADY DAMMIT)

I love all the geeky Star Wars references. AWESOMECAKES.

I love Dean cheerfully giving up the Impala. Cracked my shit UP.

I like the tweaks to the mythology. Still not sure exactly where they're headed, but I'm very intrigued!

I am amused by the blatant twincest. "THEY SPLIT US UP! *angstyemocakes*"

I liked this episode a whole lot. Good stuff, Ben Edlund! *salutes*

So this season, this is how I order the episodes from favorite to least favorite thus far.

1. 203 Bloodlust
2. 201 In My Time of Dying
3. 205 Simon Said
4. 202 Everybody Loves a Clown
5. 204 CSPWDT

How about you guys?

ash, supernatural s2, supernatural, episode reactions - spn

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