(no subject)

Oct 21, 2006 11:26

*stabs things*

I'll give you an alternative to my bitchiness by linking you to New KANE pictures from their concert this weekend LOOK AT 25 and 26. AWWWW. Someone put Steve or Jensen in there, kthx. Hee.

Now back to your originally programmed rant.

Okay so I was getting vaguely worried about how I was gonna get all my work done this weekend, but I thought it was going to be manageable. I have a couple pretty huge things I need to get around to, but I could have done it. But THEN I look in my planner and realize that Sunday night, from 5-8 (that's right, PRIME HOMEWORK TIME) I have a fucking volunteer training session at a nearby health clinic. And the upshot of the training is that I get to spend three hours every tuesday afternoon (one of only 2 free afternoons I had every week - now we're down to 1!) at the clinic. Don't get me wrong, it's cool to volunteer and I think it's gonna be a good experience, but 1) I'm pretty sure I'm not going to med school anymore, so I don't need this experience, and 2) I DONT HAVE THE TIME. *holds head* The main problem is that on Sunday night I was also planning to get together with my Bio lab group (*stab stab stab*) to write our fucking lab report on the shitty ass data we got on the experiment we "designed". It's going to be a headache and a half, let me tell you. Oh my god. So basically my entire Sunday evening is taken up by these two activities, meaning I can't read Ulysses, work on my research fair presentation, or do any other of the trillion things that need my attention (like my Wincon recap!! The longer I wait the more it will fade from my memory! :(:().


*sits down and cries*

links, :(, pictures, kane, college

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