Vid Post: Blind, by starsouls1013 (Anne) - Supernatural, Dean POV

Oct 18, 2006 22:48

Here's the video I premiered at WinCon! Enjoy!

Title: Blind
Artist: Placebo
Vidder: starsouls1013 (Anne)
Fandom: Supernatural
Character/Pairings: Dean and Sam, Dean POV
Spoilers: Through Devil's Trap
Summary: "If I could tear you from the ceiling, I'd freeze us both in time..."
A/N: Endless thank yous to everyone who cheerled me along the way in this process. mona1347Read more... )

wincon, supernatural, my vids

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Comments 66

paddle_slut October 19 2006, 03:45:34 UTC
god anne, i so luv this vid!!! im going to pimp like crazy for the rest of the week...

s'cuse me while i go fangirl your greatness


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:50:29 UTC
Aw LAURA MY LOVE. I miss you so much babygirl! *clutches* I'm glad to see that you got home intact! (Unless you are commenting from beyond the grave - which, spoooooky!)

Thank you honey :D *smooch*


paddle_slut October 19 2006, 03:52:31 UTC
aw anne hunny, im almost dreading tomorrow...i don't wanna fangirl alone *iz sad*

we got home this morning at was a crazy long drive, i don't know how jacki did it...well, i do...3 cups of coffee & lots of sugar will do that to a girl


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:53:51 UTC
Awww i HEARD. You poor lambs. *snuggles*

I caught the PLAGUE from Sarah and Jacki *shakes fist*

awww I know! I will totally call you (do I have your number? I dont think so... GIMME YOUR DIGITS BITCH. Unless i have them already. but. JUST IN CASE) and we can squeal because OMG. So excited.


wolfling October 19 2006, 03:48:18 UTC
I'm really glad to be able to dl and rewatch this because I really wanted to see it again. It works very well. Some of my favourite moments are ones you mentioned above too -- the use of the pilot fight and the backwards clip on I'd freeze us both in time especially.

*goes to watch again*


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:52:40 UTC
Thank you so much! It was really awesome to get to sit and chat with you about vidding. I rewatched yours with your comments in mind, and it was really awesome to see more of what you intended with it!

Again, thank you!


amothea October 19 2006, 04:20:04 UTC
oh wow I really REALLY loved this music video. the effects, the song, i loved the clip choices. going to have to watch this one again. :)


exsequar October 19 2006, 15:37:42 UTC
Thank you so much! The best compliment is when people rewatch - I'm glad you enjoyed it that much :)


michaela3105 October 19 2006, 07:56:15 UTC
This was fantastic!!!I don't know where to start because every cut, every effect was perfect. You are one hell of a vidder. Hope to see more from you soon!


exsequar October 19 2006, 15:38:16 UTC
Aww, thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words.


ongiara October 19 2006, 15:56:49 UTC
Wow! I think I've never seen any fanvid that was so carefully plotted and structured as yours. You managed to say in less than 4 minutes what some fanfic writers can't accomplish in a novel-sized fic.

Beautifully thought-out character study and interpretation. You sure know Sam and Dean well!
On technical terms, loved the fast succession of clips during the first 'I know you're broken' verse. Also, this doubling effect at about 3:14 min in and than the transition to Dean on the left of the shot in Scarecrow. So beautiful!
Also very much enjoyed the rewind thing at 2:31 and how well it fit the lyrics and can only nod my head in agreement to your analysis of Dean. Brilliant work!


exsequar October 20 2006, 05:25:02 UTC
You sure know Sam and Dean well!

I DO spend 90% of my time thinking about them, sooo... ;)

I'm glad to hear that my exploration of the characters worked so well for you, and that it indeed came through. I try my hardest to really SAY things with my videos, and I'm always gratified to hear that someone took a real message away. So thank you so much for saying that, and for your lovely feedback!


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