Vid Post: Blind, by starsouls1013 (Anne) - Supernatural, Dean POV

Oct 18, 2006 22:48

Here's the video I premiered at WinCon! Enjoy!

Title: Blind
Artist: Placebo
Vidder: starsouls1013 (Anne)
Fandom: Supernatural
Character/Pairings: Dean and Sam, Dean POV
Spoilers: Through Devil's Trap
Summary: "If I could tear you from the ceiling, I'd freeze us both in time..."
A/N: Endless thank yous to everyone who cheerled me along the way in this process. mona1347Read more... )

wincon, supernatural, my vids

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paddle_slut October 19 2006, 03:45:34 UTC
god anne, i so luv this vid!!! im going to pimp like crazy for the rest of the week...

s'cuse me while i go fangirl your greatness


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:50:29 UTC
Aw LAURA MY LOVE. I miss you so much babygirl! *clutches* I'm glad to see that you got home intact! (Unless you are commenting from beyond the grave - which, spoooooky!)

Thank you honey :D *smooch*


paddle_slut October 19 2006, 03:52:31 UTC
aw anne hunny, im almost dreading tomorrow...i don't wanna fangirl alone *iz sad*

we got home this morning at was a crazy long drive, i don't know how jacki did it...well, i do...3 cups of coffee & lots of sugar will do that to a girl


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:53:51 UTC
Awww i HEARD. You poor lambs. *snuggles*

I caught the PLAGUE from Sarah and Jacki *shakes fist*

awww I know! I will totally call you (do I have your number? I dont think so... GIMME YOUR DIGITS BITCH. Unless i have them already. but. JUST IN CASE) and we can squeal because OMG. So excited.


paddle_slut October 19 2006, 03:56:07 UTC
*laughs* aw anne, you're so cute...ive totally lost my voice, so im not going to be that cute on the phone...

"common mark all around everybody's having a great time SMACK IT"...*whimpers* it's just not the same by myself


exsequar October 19 2006, 03:59:30 UTC


paddle_slut October 19 2006, 04:00:30 UTC
*hystarical sobbing* I MISS MY FANGIRLS


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