(no subject)

Jul 06, 2006 12:47

This is my 702nd entry! So belated happy 700th entry to me! \o/

I saw Superman Returns. I didn't much care for it. No spoilers in my thoughts (because it was a case of plot? what plot?) so I'm not going to cut them. Basically, Kate Bosworth can't act AND isn't pretty, so why she's getting work is beyond me. Brandon Routh - he DEFINITELY brings the pretty, and I mean like whoa (he's so adorable when confused! *pets*) but again, not so much with the talent. Has he heard of this thing called emotion? *sigh* You know what occurred to me? The kid reminded me of Lucas, from SPN ep 3, though it might have just been the floppy hair, and what i thought was "Oooh, what if Amy Acker played Lois Lane!" Cause honestly? She's got buckets more talent than Kate, and is loads prettier to boot. Why can't they cast WELL for these big budget things? It's not *that* hard. But yeah, that would have made the movie much more enjoyable, and also if the kid who played Lucas could have played the kid in the movie I would have been a happy camper.

In news of the very very sad, Sarah (um, the candlesandcloth one, from Arkansas - aka my sekrit lesbian lover with whom I'm going to elope at some point in the future and whom I love to tiny tiny bits) can't come to WinchesterCon :(:(:( I was SO looking forward to molesting meeting her. Like, a lot. Of course WinCon will still be mindblowingly awesome (MonaErinSarahCassiJackiLauraJaidaNanFaithJennifer I can't wait to meet you ALL! And MORE!) but I am very sad that she won't be there to bring it up to previously unheard of levels of AWESOME. I will just have to stalk her down some other way. Le sigh.

Sorry for the rambly entries. I'm at work waiting for an artery to equilibrate! *hands* Now, back to some jsquared porn! \o/

(Look, pretty Katie!)

internship msu, lj, movies, my sekrit lesbian lover

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