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Jul 04, 2006 23:16

So I hope ya'll have seen the awesome and fantastic pictures of Jared and Mike together at some event that involved guitars? Well, guess what - ELIZA WAS THERE TOO. And I could not heart her any more. Oh love. Love love love.

Snagged a few choice pictures from green_queen. The rest of the picspam (plus bigger versions of the ones under the cut) can be found here.

See? The boys were in the same place!

And other random pictures from the same picspam, I'm not sure what events these are. But gosh she is pretty.

Oh yum. I love her so madly :D

So I went to fireworks tonight. It was cold and we were far away, so, not the greatest view. But Hazel is an adorable spazoid. That's pretty much what the evening came down to, lol. And we didn't have to deal with nutso traffic, so that was good.

As I was watching the fireworks I wondered what Sam and Dean would do on the fourth. (...shut up) And this scenario came into my head where they'd be driving cross country at twilight and Sam would see a fireworks show start up in the distance and he'd ask Dean to stop and Dean would give him this "are you fucking kidding me?" look and Sam would turn on the puppy dog eyes and Dean would sigh heavily and stop by a field and they'd get out and sit on the grass and pull out some beer (which Sam bought because he's a think-ahead kind of guy) and get pleasantly buzzed and shoot the breeze as the lights and smoke dappled the sky above them.

Oh boys. :)

summer 06, eliza, cousins, supernatural

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