(no subject)

Jun 24, 2006 10:56

Oh WOW. *fans self* I now have a full-fledged girlcrush on one Katie Heigl. And it's so funny because this crush started about 10 years ago, when the movie Wish Upon a Star was on Disney - i freaking LOVED that movie. Katie was the star, and I thought she was gorgeous and should totally become famous. I really did. And now look at her! One of the stars of one of the most popular shows on television. I'm so proud of my baby *sniff sniff*

But ANYWAY, what prompted this post was a heartstoppingly amazing picspam that mcee did in three parts: One Two and Three

Some of my favorites... (some of them are HUGE, just FYI)

http://i63.photobucket.com/albums/h160/mceepix4/katie/candids/young03.jpg (she was even gorgeous in high school! Well, I knew that because she was 18 in Wish Upon a Star, but still! Damn girl)

I totally need to icon this girl. Hee.

katie heigl, pictures

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