(no subject)

Jun 23, 2006 13:45

So joyfulgirl41 linked to a cool website wherein these girls (I think?) blog about country acts that aren't mainstream but are very talented and should be more well known. Or something like that. But they love Kane, which is awesome, and so I'm linking to this article which is very funny (it reminds me of TWoP in its style - not the cynicism, but the humor) and just an ode to our favorite boys. -> http://www.hardcore-troubadours.com/2006/06/12/19

This weekend promises to be all that and a bag of chips. I have no idea why I just said that, but it's a fun saying, don't you think? ANYwho, Jeff and the kids are taking off to visit his grandparents until Sunday afternoon, so it's just me and Meg! Girls' weekend, YAY! We plan to start Buffy season 3 (which she hasn't seen most of, despite being a big Buffy fan and having seen most of the other seasons. I am truly baffled and dismayed by this, and thus am going to remedy it) and watch as much of it as we can, YAY. I am ridiculously excited because, hello, FAITH! And also the whole season just rocks my socks right off my feet. Also part of this weekend will be beef stew for dinner at Anne and Franklin's house, which will be awesome, and watching some World Cup! And THEN, Sunday, I'm going to see Theory of a Deadman! YAY!

In addition, I am so excited for Winchester Con that I really could throw up! :D That should seriously be the motto for the con, heeee. There are FIFTY FOUR people ALREADY PAID, and even MORE who have yet to pay, and OMG. I AM SO EXCITED, GUYS. Nan posted the icons I made at the con comm *bounces* Yay for fangirls!!!

wincon, summer 06, kane, cousins, supernatural, buffy

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