I miss......

May 13, 2015 15:07

Time to get it all out of my system. I find myself saying "I miss" far too often. So I'll write it out as a list and then I can stay in The Present.
I miss loving my job.
I miss fall.
I miss being fit.
I miss being able to walk in any store and try on all the clothes that catch my eye and take home the ones that make me feel good about the body I worked hard for.
I miss the fall weather.
I miss having/being a bestie.
I miss being able to travel pretty much whenever and where ever I wanted.
I miss having a fireplace and a pool.
I miss morning off leash dog walks at Great Esker with my sister and the pooches.
I miss eating breakfast out on Saturday mornings - specifically eggs in all their glorious forms.
I miss living alone.
I miss being in the zone.
I miss being the go to person at work.
I miss hanging out in the backyard with the fire going and sharing the bottle(s) of wine with friends.
I miss loving the space I live in.
I miss having a social calendar/life.
I miss living in the Tampa Bay area. Some days I even miss living in MA.
I miss having season tickets to Tampa Bay Lightning. Even living close enough to the arena to go to a hockey game without it having to be a big planned production.
I miss having a car I love to drive.
I miss not knowing what I want to wear in the morning because I have so many clothes that I love AND look good in to choose from.
I miss self confidence.
I miss my strong drive.
I miss apple picking in the fall and then baking pies with my harvest.
I miss the making Thanksgiving and Christmas....the whole production.

Well, time to get to work - I have lots to do to get to where I was, where I'm going.
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