Jan 09, 2007 22:13
Listening to Bob Dylan in the kitchen, having made breakfasts and dinners for tommorrow. I'm going to try to start updating this joural with daily activities, all of it, the good and the bad. Sort of an attempt to keep track of my days, a to do list, a chance to give myself credit for what I am doing right, fix what I'm doing wrong.
Okay so...
-Prepared breakfast, lunch dinner for tommorow.
-Small load dishes, ran dishwasher, put dishes away.
-Not much yet, but did continue the great "Leaf-Cleanup" (I've needed to do that for awhile, Leaf's hard drive has been in bad shape.
-Dealing with suggested edits to Initial Transmission
-Trying to continue cleaning out my D/Art backlog. Currently 82 Deviations and 137 comments (maybe it's time to just wipe my hands off it again... I hate doing that, but it always becomes oppressive when it's this bad.)
-Strike that, I scrubbed it. I'll try to catch up on people as they post new things. I might do another list dump on there too.... so much work for so little return.
-Took my Gym orientation session today
-Also did arm and ab work, and walked 1/2 mile. (1/4 mile warm up, 1/4 mile cooldown).
4 Games of M:TG, total time 40minutes.... much too long for one day.... need to work on this. (not doing so much).
-Breakfast: Supplement, Muesli, 1/2 Grapefuit.
-Break: Fruit (apple or pear, don't remember which), Granola bar.
-Lunch: Tuna Pasta salad (must make tommorrow), celery, cherry tomatoes, panetone.
-Break: 3 clementines
-Post Work: about 1/2 cup of crackers.
-Dinner: Ham, Pilaf,
-Post work-out, 1/3 cup rice, (assorted tiny amounts of nuts/seeds)
Immed To Do:
-Paperwork from Work
-Discuss Scotia offer with S.
-Finish knitting Dad's scarf
-Review Client #1's site to prep for rebuild
-Get MC ready for M
-Update Initial Transmission,
-work on "New Car" and "First Day"
-Poetry Manifesto (Tommorrow at the office?)
Okay... I think that's it for today. Talk to ya'll tomorrow.
mathematical catastrophe,
to-do lists,
work out