Okay, I've been bad online lately, not spending much time on the internet, and what time I've been here, I've been catching up on friends' posts and (shame) spending time on M:TG.... yes I know, bad Crispen.... but a man needs his small vices.
So, a brief update:
-All is well with me and S, we are madly in love and have many exciting adventures lined up.
-Holidays were simple, quiet and actually quite nice. Spending time with both sets of parents, S's surviving Grandma, each other. Got music, videos, cloths. It was all quite good.
-New Years Eve Eve party was a small success, but definately a success. There will be more.
-Firming up things with 2nd Client, and starting the rebuild process again for main client.
-Have a lot of things on the back burner as always, but they are screaming to be let out... so soon.
-Debate with
hexadecimal13 has forced me to really question some of my propositions. For the most part I find myself still arguing the same points, but now with added awareness of counter-points (and very valid ones) such as the value of peace to a society.
-No recent conversations with The Oath, so just finishing up existing stuff... there's lots of that though.
-Very very happy with current synth line up, and have a few pieces that need to be arranged properly.
-Started going to the YMCA to work out on a (hopefully) regular basis. Want to work on Cardio and Trim, also more aware of diet. Hoping that this will make me more productive, and effective both onstage and off.
-My only real resolution for 2007: I will see spoken word and music stages. This is happening.
I guess that's all for now.