Long art update.

Aug 15, 2006 08:26

Not much to say....
  • Think I might be getting Sid's flu.
  • Have a couple of new titles percolating (I still find it odd that titles need to percolate for so long these days)
  • "Young Victoria" for solo guitar and synth: The solo guitar is almost finished, once I've finished it and am comfortable with it I will record it and put the synths behind it.
  • Erotic Duty: The opening guitar part is finished, but still working with my vocalist on the melodic structure/arrangement. This is a little ways off. I'm being vague about the identity of the vocalist becuase I'm not sure if I've released that information, or if the person is comfortable with me releasing the information
  • Puppetrice: Still haven't finished Cp1.
  • M:TG: can't seem to ecape it, but trying hard. The fact that I simply can't stop thinking about it reinforces for me the idea that it is an addiction and not something I can continue in a healthy fashion.
  • To Die For Designs: getting closer and closer to finishing the current batch of photo-editing. I have software to build, products to launch... a lot of exciting stuff on the horizon.
  • I've recently joined two communities on-line... one for photography here on LJ and one for poetry over at D/A. I'm failing my commitments for both currently... damnit. Need to work on that.
  • This is I believe pretty much everything for the time being.... there is some exciting news about Mathematical Catastrophe, but it's still very young and fragile and I'm afraid that if I think about it too much I might frighten it away.

    Would still love to get together with other musicians and just jam. It's a question of finding musicians and times that are good for each of us. Also... and finally... anyone interested in reading Cp1 of Puppetrice once I get the current text finished?

puppetrice, health, to die for, poetry, music, mathematical catastrophe, photography, m:tg, erotic duty

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