Can it be? Another LJ post..two in the same month?!

Dec 23, 2004 16:25

Yes it can be because it is. Of course i'm stealing this entry from my xanga...because well it's like i have enough things to write about where i can write about some aspects of my life in one and some in lj. it just doesn't work like that.
I came to say farewell for the next 10 days...tomorrow we're leaving for florida and then on the 26th we're going on a cruise to Belize, Mexico, and Cayman islands
i'm going to miss you all!!! but i' won't be gone for TOO long.

today was brilliant...every day should be the day before a vacation.
English brought back memories of the joys of p.5 last year cassidy was not old, grandmotherly, and strange was FUN. extremely fun actually. We took these fun "test" things about random holiday stuff. Guess what Christmas song this is: I Spied My Maternal Parent Osculating or this one: Homo Sapien of Crystallized Vapor
twas great fun..especially when andrew started dancing to the 12 days of christmas in the middle of class and when katrina and i started hitting each other's hands with our "pear trees" just like we used to do when we were in elementary school (though we didn't go to the same school back then sadly). And Jack Merridew's new year's resolution: to marry me of course =) hehe general jack merridew, my lover..oh the irony is killing me.

Took a not so grueling test in AP which i finished quite early thankfully.
Another "ultimate" gym class..played a great game of volleyball and joe and i were completely bad mouthing each other for fun...which is really an odd thing because neither joe nor i can trash talk someone very well.

watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail in bio today and enjoyed some treats for our taste buds that people brought in (MUCHAS GRACIAS, LA MARISSA...las galletas fueron fantasticas!). great movie, much fun.

math was dull, as usual. we "played" math jeopardy but it wasn't fun in the slightest. leave it to chungbot to be boring. After that i left (my brothers came to pick me up early so i could get started on my hw since i won't have time to do it during the break). yay for missing spanish! otherwise i didn't miss anything else because orchestra was a study hall and last period i have a study hall anyway.

not much else exciting...tuesday night was the concert and i survived it it was looong but quite fun and apparently i have a very distracting shirt because people paid a lot of attention to it as it moved when i was shifting or vibrato-ing. hehe yay for silk being distracting. My solos were decent, one was slightly out of tune in the beginning but it didn't sound all that bad. everyone else was very good..even the band who had never played entirely through one of their songs before that night.

Thanks for the gifts, people...especially ali, i shall wear it always...mwahahaha you dirty person.

FELIZ ESTUFA SORPRESA!! or if you want to be conventional, FELIZ NAVIDAD! i can't wait to get away from ny and all the crappy weather we've been having (either it's a hurricane or freezing). Enjoy your holidays =)

i <3 you all...jess
(but i especially <3 tab!!)

oh and since this has to be an extremely epic lj entry, i'm posting the beginning of a story i've been writing in math:

It was done. A masterpiece of modern literature and it would be printed bearing her name in large gold letters. all of her research, endless hours spent scavenging among musty volumes for the most accurate rendition had culminated in this single computer file containing 397 pages of perfection born from her own imagination and swirling with history. Closing her hazzel eyes, she leaned back in her cushioned computer chair and drank in the glory of hte moment.
as she rested motionless before her laptop only one word resonated in her mind-Jack. The mere thought of him made her tremble and her stomach flip flop reminding her of childhood crushes. She wasn't a child-31 was old enough to abandon childish infatuations, but she couldn't. she sighed, disgusted with her behavior. in vain she struggled to wrench her thoughts back to reality and was only slightly successful thanks to the buzzing of her cell phone, which began to jump across her wooden desk.
"Yeah?" she inquired after flipping open her phone.
The person on the other end recognized how distant and distracted she sounded.
"Are you alright, hon?"
"uh, yea. yea of course. What's going on?" Her tone was steadily brightening as the real world flooded around her.
"Not much. how's the book?"
THe book. Something stirred in the back of her mind. "It's great! It's finished actually...the masterpiece will be on the shelves delighting the public soon enough!" she laughed at her inability to sound modest. After all, it was a fantastic, perfeclty-crafted novel. His deep chuckle soared through and he warmed her with his words of encouragement and happiness for her success.
"You have a very arrogant girlfriend," she said with a devious grin.
"and you have a wonderful, supportive boyfriend."
Her heart sped at those words, the grin vanishing. she wanted to say she loved him, that he made every day brighter in her life, but her jaw was cemented closed and the sentences were jammed in her voice box. he sensed something wasn't right and filled the awkward silence with a nervous laugh.

-and that's all i've got so far. read it por favor and tell me if you are at all intrigued by it or if it's wayy too confusing at the moment. there are many things that don't make sense i'm sure, but if i continue it they will =)

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