Characters: Open
Purpose: Christmas gift exchange
Location: Anywhere on the train (mostly in the lounge)
Time: Mid-morning to evening on December 25th
Warnings: Possibly angered passengers who dislike their gifts.
Summary: It's time for the passengers to exchange presents with their partners and whoever else they bought things for.
The conductor had woken up early that morning to make the necessary preparations for the Christmas festivities on the Valkyrie Express. As she walked down the halls, she hung two candy canes on each inhabited room's doorknob. Then she made her way to the lounge to check on the recently set up
Christmas tree. On the TV,
A Christmas Story was playing on each channel, marathoning for the rest of the day. She took her watch out to check the time. It was relatively early, but she had a feeling people would start coming out soon.
[[ Three threads will be made. One for the gift exchange partners specifically, one for giving gifts to any other friends, and the last is for miscellaneous Christmas activities. Place each thread under its appropriate spot.
Also, for the gift exchange partners, label the header with the name of the two partners (example: Mika + Ema), so it will be easier for each member to find. ]]