[There had been some definite toying around on this particular connection today, the screen flickering off and on as the PGC's functions were flipped from video to voice to text and back - anyone with a reasonably quick eye may have caught glimpses of amber eyes and long black hair, and perhaps sharp features holding an expression that seemed more
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It's preferable to trying to figure out these damned ledges, let's put it that way.]
Well! That certainly is something, isn't it? I suppose I should offer you congratulations on your achievement, Brigadier General Mustang - well done.
[His words aren't exactly snide, nor are they completely genuine; simply a remark, really, adhering to the usual apathy without leaning towards one side or the other.]
I'll concede your point in that clearly you've learned something, even if that's "stop flagellating yourself in public due to your own inflated sense of self-pity." A valuable lesson, to be sure; clearly it sank in eventually. Good for you! However, that's all I'm conceding for now.
This is going to prove interesting, isn't it? Particularly here, where that insignia you're bearing means little to nothing - yes, I think this will be very interesting.
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