001. [video/action for Route 43]

Oct 04, 2011 22:34

[There had been some definite toying around on this particular connection today, the screen flickering off and on as the PGC's functions were flipped from video to voice to text and back - anyone with a reasonably quick eye may have caught glimpses of amber eyes and long black hair, and perhaps sharp features holding an expression that seemed more amused than anything else. However, Kimblee has never really been interested in wasting too much time with playthings; the PGC hasn't been completely abandoned, as there are occasional sounds that indicate that someone is still in the area - footsteps once in a while, followed by odd scratching sounds and the like - but Kimblee himself is nowhere to be seen.

...probably because he's left the thing on in Voice mode before wandering away from it. The technology is a bit beyond him, and apparently he hasn't quite figured out how to turn it off.]

...try this again, shall we?

[Either Kimblee is muttering to himself or his conversational partner is exceedingly boring, as there's no response; either way, there's a bit of odd rustling, like fabric being shifted a bit, before a sharp snap - someone clapping their hands together, perhaps.

A brief pause. Another clapping sound.


No...no, of course not.

[A few moments pass before there's a bit of a clatter - clearly he's decided the PGC is worth another shot, as he's back to fiddling with it, humming lightly to himself as the screen suddenly flickers to life.

Good afternoon! This would be Kimblee. And just barely visible on the ledge behind him would be several circles etched into it, with various designs scrawled into them.

For those who are familiar with transmutation circles, it seems he's been making an...attempt at alchemy. A very, uh, persistent attempt. Given that the clapping implies he was just trying to blow the thing up, apparently he just really doesn't like that ledge.]

Well, it seems that even with four functioning limbs you can't vault over them properly, and the chimera I've been given is useless in terms of destroying them. Either these ledges are defying all logic, or there's some other force at work. Dare I ask?

[Because as polite as his tone is...no, really, those ledges are just unfair.]

*video, + lust, + danny fenton, + aya fujimiya, + mihoshi kuramitsu, also aya, look at your life; look at your choices, because game mechanics, + fullmetal, + katara, kimblee will you put your gloves back on, + envy, + miss rockbell, + frank archer's utter lack of subtlety, transmutation circles everywhere, + matt engarde, !ic, *action, + john doe (shelly de killer), voltorbs are clearly useless, + esteemed brigadier general roy mustang, good ideas are clearly relative concepts

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