Earth Day 2012

Apr 24, 2012 16:38

Well, Gosh, let's get caught up.

The Earth Day event on the Blueberry Farm happened, in which 10 folk showed up and spent 4 hours pulling up gardening sheets, flipping them over and piling mulch on top in order to kill the vegetation and prevent competition with the blueberries. I'd call that a success. I don't know what the city would call it, since that was 10 more than showed up last year. I got to spend a few moments chatting with the mayor of the city, who was very kind. I have also attempted to coordinate the next project work day for May...two days ago with no response yet. I feel bad because the parks department is so understaffed for the sheer amount of work they have to do. I am going to go spend Friday gathering clippings to attempt to propagate about 50 blueberry babies

School...oh school.. I am signed up for my final 3 courses over the summer. I think I may be twitching by the end of summer, but at least I'll have crossed the finish line *fingers crossed*. Disclaimer: Barring any classes being cancelled due to insufficient numbers or failure of classes due to hormonal break down. Just saying.

Other than that, life is pretty good. J is amazing and the tic tac is healthy. Supah!

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