This works for me

Sep 22, 2010 23:36

I need to cut back on my posting, but today I want to yak about two things: seeing 'ghosts' (by ghosts I mean old friends appearing unexpectedly), and the Pacino movie Cruising.

Last week I passed by two new employees watching the training videos at work, and one looked almost exactly like Queen (by Queen I do not mean the band, I mean a old very good friend of mine who nicknamed me King and I nicknamed her Queen). I haven't heard anything from her in months, and today this new girl was on shift with me but I could never get a look at her name tag to see if it was indeed her (even though last I heard she lived in Nebraska). I know it was crazy to think it was her, but the resemblance was striking. At the end of the shift I asked her name and introduced myself, but it wasn't her. Still my brain was in panic mode throughout the shift, and I kept chatting with her to see if she knew me and was just being Queeny about it (if you are reading this Queen I made a pregnant Davey joke and made an idiot of myself, happy?)

Movie: Cruising
Being a huge Al Pacino fan I watched Cruising for the first time tonight, and I don't get why so many Gay Activist groups had a problem with it. The S&M leather scene does exist in the LGBT community, UNBC Pride even had "kink" meetings which I was never kinky enough to attend (bondage just seems like too much work). Maybe it is the fact gays are being murdered/murdering, but it is a crime/murder movie, and if you want a happy romance movie then go watch Latter Days, Beautiful Thing, Shelter, Trick, or whatever. My best guess at why people found it so offensive is because it came out in the 80's when LGBT had even less representation in entertainment then we do today, so people were upset that this was the representation that they got. Or perhaps because they changed something from the book, which I've never read. I find it is helpful to keep in mind when watching a movie, that Hollywood made it, therefore nothing is going to be true to life.
Overall the movie was okay, I'm not going to buy it or anything and I saw way more of Pacino then I ever wanted to, but I don't feel I wasted 2 hours of my life and I enjoyed it enough. People complain how it is hard to follow the storyline but the director did have to cut 40mins out of the film so the board would rate it R instead of X, so I imagine that may have something to do with it, but you still get the general idea and hints.

Question for the masses: If I learn all the words to Plastic Bertrand's Ca Plane Pour Moi, could I call myself bilingual?
I imagine this would be the result:
Person: "Bonjour, ca va?"
Me: "Ou j'ai eu un flash!"
M:"La pied dans le plat!"
P:"Vous mettez votre pied dans le plat?"
P:*runs away*

movies, gay, work

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