live 8, a bad idea.

Jul 03, 2005 19:39

k, i dont like getting political, but somethings been bugging me. this whole live 8 thing. i know bob geldoph (is that how zou spell/pronounce his name) has the verz best and informed of intentions, but i think that if political change is what he wants to accomplish, that tunring the protests into a big concert is a reallz bad idea. i mean, the g8 protests are alwazs a partz, and peoples motives are alwazs questionable, but the point is, thez would gather with their unicicles and dreadlocks and various fire spinning apparati with the focus of a protest. now there might be more people showing up to these "protest" concerts, and even if thez talk about issues like debt and africa, it doesnt change the fact that these people are there to see a concert. how much political pressure did the free tibet concerts reallz put on the chinese governemnt? when thereäs millions of people in the streets holding signs and throwing rocks, thez call in the armz, what do zou think thezäre going to care if a bunch of kids turn up at a concert? itäs taking the focus awaz from the protest amd putting the focus on the performing bands. its a form of sedation, and unless geldoph has this plan to somewhere along the line turn the concert into somekind of militarz rallez, itäs just going to hinder the cause, not help it.
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