david fucking cook, my music is where i'd like you to touch, scott, actual reality

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  • "i don't know what that means."

    expatiates Feb 28, 2009 02:46

    bones is so cute, you guys! :)

    i saw half of carmen (the opera) tonight. scott wanted to go, so we went and i was sooooooo bored, omg. but luckily, after the first act scott told me he wasn't feeling it, so at intermission we cut out of there and got cheesecake instead. upgrade ( Read more... )

    dbor is a dreamboat, scott, the seeley booth show, actual reality

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  • it's all about the wordplay.

    expatiates Jan 03, 2009 14:23

    so last night, scott and i were doing a crossword puzzle online and one of the clues was something like "wences, for example." and we look at it for a sec and i go "i have no idea...wtf is a wence?" and he doesn't even look up, just says, totally deadpan, "the bass player from fall out boy."

    i lolled.

    he also quoted (slightly incorrectly but A+ for ( Read more... )

    via ljapp, lollerskates, scott, actual reality, random

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  • oh doctor doctor, i must have gotten this sick somehow.

    expatiates Dec 22, 2008 23:33

    so, i managed to survive my day after all! thanks to everyone who commented on my post of angst and fail earlier. i'm much better now. ♥

    tonight was scott and my last night together until NYE, so we exchanged presents earlier. look what i got!

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    neal omg omg, gadgetry, omg get in me, scott, actual reality, lara

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  • this is halloween.

    expatiates Oct 30, 2008 19:56

    yes we carve!

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    via ljapp, politics, scott, pics, various holidays

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  • we're not in kansas anymore.

    expatiates Sep 02, 2008 23:04

    so, 90210 was ok, i thought. i didn't super-hate anybody and the dialogue was decent. it was the most predictable thing ever, tho. every time we saw the [proverbial] gun, it went off just how you thought it would, you know? the cast is really pretty, tho - but am i seriously supposed to believe any of them are anywhere CLOSE to sixteen? it's like ( Read more... )

    scott, actual reality

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  • he's not selling any alibis.

    expatiates Aug 18, 2008 20:25

    is lj acting wonky for anyone else? i clicked on my bookmark for it a little while ago and it took me to livejournal.com but all it showed me was a random icon. and then a few minutes later i had clicked on what was supposed to be my friends page but it took me to the friends page of some other random journal. weird.

    i went to the saratoga music Read more... )

    technical difficulties, scott, actual reality, jovi, david fucking cook, josie, the girl at the rock show, eljay

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