[Coraline is at work. She has decided work is boring. Work means being cooped up in a Pokemart all day long, where Pokemon battles are not allowed, and neither are Pokemon races or attempting to climb the shelves.
... What? She was trying to get a pair of Go-Goggles for a customer, obviously. Geez.
She only has one escape from boredom-- the Pokegear
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[Raz is resting -- with his new baby Drifloon trying to get the attention of his silent Kadabra behind him (however, the Kadabra seems interested in the message, and thusly is looking in the direction of the camera). And, shockingly enough -- the goggles aren't fastened to his face.]
[... And then she gets a little look at the Kadabra. She stares at it, head tilted to one side.]
... Hey, is that a new Pokemon?
--Hm? Oh, you mean A? [he asked, looking behind him.] Yeah, I caught her before I caught a case of those week long sleeps. But I think she's broken. I can't get into her mind or anything.
Can't g... Wait, did you get your powers back?
[But then Raz frowns. He missed his powers. He missed being able to do all that stuff, damnit.]
Nah, only my mind-reading -- I've had it all this time, though it doesn't work with people, and you've gotta be in-person. [The mun just forgot about it. Raz's frown is soon replaced with a cheeky grin, though. :p] But even S has a fuller mind! And Slowpoke aren't known for their smarts.
Mind-reading...? [She looks astounded, then increasingly intrigued.] Are you serious? [She pauses, peering at her backpack.] So... If I could find you in person, you'd be able to tell me what my Golbat's thinking? [Does he want to eat her? SHE MUST KNOW.]
Or even if you sent it to me -- though Pokemon I don't know well are a bit harder to read. Right, R? [and the cameraMAN -- Gardevoir -- comes into the 'gear.] But I'd be able to tell you, sure.
... A tree. How do you... beat a tree?
That's so cool! I mean... if you aren't pulling my leg or something. [She smirks.]
Looks like R evolved, huh? [Said as she gestures vaguely to the Gardevoir, still smirking a little.] Sh-- He's... pretty. [Trying so hard not to judge.]
And of course I'm not! Not only I can mind-read, y'know. The PokeDex said A should be able to, and I know R and S can. S is kinda slow, though.
[See that unamused face, Coraline? that's R with a glare.] Hey! He can't help how he looks!
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