Oct 05, 2005 11:54
Well....this morning I had another one of these rather bizzarre dreams.........and why bizzarre??....Because in these dreams I have the extraordinary ability to fly....I can't see myself, I can only see what I Look down upon or the world of people I am flying through...and they can see me only when it's light out, if it's dark, I become invisible. Sometimes this takes me to other parts of the world , other times it's places that are not of this world....and I've decided that I should keep a record of them....so today, al I can honestly remember is flying through a buncha ppl having fun out on a beach, or some kind of festival that was taking place....can't remember most of the details....then I woke up for a minute, went back to sleep....and I find myself in some foreign region, and I am constantly asking someone, where am I?....Well...this time the person told me I was in Italy....in the dream I have a hold of some kind of ad but I loose it..so I decide it meant something and need to find it...so as I start out....I find myself looking down on everything, and I am wanting to explore the beauty of Italy's Nature....I fly over what looks to be a beautiful display of some kinda vinery, or moss, some very colorful trees, and the ocean....I then find myself in someone's home and it's a lady that seemed to be expecting me and has the ad....which is about some kind of cream..before I leave I asked her for one of those fancy round chocolates...I find it difficult to hold on to everything that is in my hands cuz of the wind. After flying over a lot of ocean I am now in a village set in the middle of a forest and there's some guy there that I suddenly strongly care about and it seems all these other girls are envious of me because since i've shown up he left ém be....everyone is now being threatened by a wolf and I attempt to protect them....the mysterious look and noises of the denser forest are beckoning to me and am wanting to fly through and explore but instead....once I saved everyone from this wolf, I fly off again over the ocean , trying to find new land or home....well now, there's a really harsh storm coming in and the powerful wind is keeping me from going in the direction I wish to go in....as I see tons of these house boats moving quite quickly down the ocean...Someone tells me to take cover in the train that is full of food and seems to be going in the direction of the storm or home....it is then that I find I have the cream I was looking for(eat it) and realize that I left this guy w/out saying goodbye and find myself trying to use a half way dead cell phone to call him...and it wasn't until I was awake that I realized who's number it was,.....Well that's all..I know it all sounds like a buncha "mumbo jumbo" and left out many details...but it's really the flying and exploring that is mixed up to provoke a rather exhilirating, even sensational tingly feeling through out the dream....Guess it would take someone else that has experienced these dreams to truly understand.