i've never done it with the style and grace you have

May 31, 2004 15:35

i'm in SUCH a good mood !!!! Yay for writing one easy ass discrete test.. perhaps because ive already written it before.. who knows lol. BWAHAHHAHAA THAT WAS SO AWESOME.

and since discrete is last period, i ended my school day on such a high note. man i'm in a good mood.

Tonite i have to babysit for Mr Hanta at 6.30. i dont really want to.. but i really really really really need the money. Did i mention that i REALLY need it?? There was just a bit of emphasis placed on that. It's either by the end of this week or next week that i need to have the 700 bucks woo hoo!! i'm so broke lol.

i really dont have that much to say at the moment.
saturday nite i went to steve's house for a small get together. it was Tons of fun tho hehehe. matt, jess, steve, maciej and i ended up staying up all night in the hot tub. i was so damn dead sunday lol.

tomorrow i have a spare in calc. i gave myself a spare today. so i think i'll catch the bus tomorrow at about 11.45 :). how happy.

Tomorrow's Horoscope:
A fantastic proposal brings you into contact with savvy individuals who crave your number and, in certain cases, also whatever else may be on offer. Here's a clue to imminent success for you: the less you obsess, the more likely you are to reach your goals and create a life running more smoothly in all departments.

Whatever else may be on offer? I sound so slutty.. can they do that in horoscopes? Make it say you're a slut.. I didnt think they could..it's not that i obsess either. i'm just fanatical about certain things. that's all.

pressed against the stone floor, she's bleeding.
shot through the heart by his words, she's bleeding.
every tear is another drop she's bleeding.
her eyes now dry; she's bled.
her eyes now dry; she's dead.

this means new picture :) yaay. when i get a spare moment dripping in despair and writhing in wretchedness.
am i right or is this the absolute only time the really good artwork is created?
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