Twenty Random Friday Thoughts

Feb 12, 2010 18:42

1. Captain America: Hey look some protesters.

Falcon: I'm black and they're white, I don't think I'd fit in with them.


2. Consider me totally friggin psyched for Chronicles of Riddick 3! Simply called "Riddick".

3. Beta Ray Bill is a totally random badass.

4. Deadpool now has 4 monthly ongoing series. And several guest spots, what's up with that?

5. Commando is a movie that wastes no time.

6. If Tron: Legacy is successful I hope it leads to a Rocketeer sequel...or three.

7. Crushes are silly.

8. #7 Most likely has nothing to do with Taylor Swift.

9. I just re-read #1 was teabagging something the media came up with for these ridiculous people, or did they come up with it themselves? Either way they both fail.

10. I want Kathryn Bigelow to win all the awards.

11. The Replacements are moody and emo but just kick ass rockin' enough to make it all the more worthwhile.

12. RE: #11 Song of the day:

13. A giant space ape from the 12th dimension and an ancient robot are coming soon to a world near you!

14. #12 I'm gonna remake Normal Beans with SLIGHTLY better special effects..

image Click to view

15. Coming up with 20 of these things is hard.

16. People shouldn't get sad on Valentine's day, but they should get riotously and violently drunk!

17.  I want to watch Be My Valentine Charlie Brown

18. Why isn't Race For Your Life Charlie Brown on DVD?

19. Teen Titans still rocks.

20. 75 degrees this long weekend, I should go to the beach.

Have a great long weekend everyone!

politcs, tea bagging, riddick, random, 20 things, normal beans, charlie brown, kathryn bigelow, comics, movies, valentine's day

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