1. Obama to the GOP: Seriously guys, nut up or shut up.
GOP: He's makin' fun of us! WAHHHHHHHH!
Justice Alito: NOT TRUE!
2. If it were the 90's Avatar would already have 12 tie-in novels, 6 young adult novels, a Saturday morning cartoon, two to three really shitty video games, and a breakfast cereal. Why aren't they utilizing every advertising need possible? Instead they're going the Independence Day route, right down to the silly gimmick in the toys(those silly computer games in the ID4 toys made no fuckin sense).
3. Incidentally I really kinda want an
AMP Suit toy. 4. Plowed by Sponge is a great Friday song.
Click to view
5. I miss Winter Sports.
6. I also miss the Audio Adventure Wagon conversation, and other similar conversations.
Point Break is about me and
sxoa 8.
Kathryn Bigelow is my new favorite filmmaker.
9. At what age do people generally stop getting crushes? It's clearly not 25. Is it never? I have a sinking suspicion that it's never.
10. #9 has nothing to do with Taylor Swift...although I suppose it could.
11. Trying to act my age is silly when I actively buy sugar cereal and watch cartoons on Saturday morning.
12. The general thought of
Chat Roulette fills me with terror...and curiosity.
13. With the passing of
J.D. Salinger the likelihood of a "Catcher in the Rye" movie is closer to reality(not much closer but a tiny bit closer), but seriously "Catcher in the Rye" would make a boring movie...why hasn't anyone figured this out yet.
15. And because you didn't ask for it here are the Xtacles doing funny things:
Click to view
Have a kick ass weekend everyone!