더듬이가 자란 시경이 Translation: “Shikyunggie1 is growing antennas”
(1Note: Lee Shikyung is the name of Kai’s character in the upcoming KBS drama, ‘Andante’.)
171303 [From. KAI] Update #1:
사실은 더듬이가 아니었다! 속았지? Translation: “The truth is, those weren’t antennas! Did you fall for it?”
Update #2:
누구 생일이게~ Translation: “Guess whose birthday it is~1”
(1Note: Kai appears to have been in the midst of filming a birthday scene for his upcoming KBS drama, ‘Andante’, at the time of taking of these photos. The birthday in questions might be that of his own character, Kim Shikyung.)
[From Suho from Paris] 170313 [FROM Suho] “Monthly SuhoJunmyeon March issue Paris volume” (“월간 수호준면 3월호 상반기 프랑스 편”)
프랑스의 어느 저택에서 시작 Translation: “Starting from our French residence”
파리의 상징 에펠탑에서 사랑하는 세훈이와 Translation: “Before the symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, with beloved Sehunie”
준면이형 : 한 장 더 찍자아~ Translation: “Junmyeon hyung: Let’s take one more photo~”
순간이동해서 한 컷 Translation: “Teleportation shot”
나는 너무 작은 존재 Translation: “My very small existence”
파리지앵 수호 Translation: “Parisian Suho”
에펠탑이 보이는 곳에서 잤지롱 Translation: “I slept at a place with a nice view of the Eiffel Tower”
드디어 루브르 박물관! Translation: “Finally, the Louvre Museum”
우리는 형제 Translation: “My brother”
작품도 감상하고 Translation: “Appreciating the works”
발뒤꿈치는 들어줘야 예술이 나옴 Translation: “If you lift your heel, art comes out”
예술은 어려웡>_< Translation: “Art’s difficult>_<”
한국으로 슝슝 Translation: “Off to Korea”
어떠셨나요? 이번에도 저와 함께 공유한 느낌?! 개인적으로 이번 파리 일정은 다른 이유도 많았지만 사랑하는 막내 세훈이와 함께 한다는 것에 의미가 가장 컸습니다. 데뷔 이후로 이렇게 둘이서만 해외에 온 건 처음이라 얘기도 많이 하고 좋은 시간이었죠. 여러분들도 저와 세훈이의 즐겁고 행복했던 시간 함께 느끼셨으면 좋겠습니다. 해외에 오래있었던 만큼이나 또 여러분들이 많이 생각나는 한 주였네요. 사랑해요. 엑소엘
Translation: “So, how was it? Sharing feelings together with me, this time too?! Personally, although there were various other reasons for this Paris schedule, spending time together with my beloved maknae Sehun was he most meaningful. It’s the first time since début that just the two of us have travelled together like this We talked a lot, too, and it was an enjoyable time. I hope you all got a sense of what a pleasant and happy time Sehun and I had. Being overseas for a while gave me a chance to think about all of you again. I love you. EXO-L”
피날레, 그리고 가장 좋았던 그림 두 점 Translation: “And for the finale, two of my favourite pictures”
+ 마지막 photo by SUHO Translation: “+ Final photo by SUHO”
source: Official EXO-L site (1, 2, 3, 4) | translation: Dailyexo (1, 2, 3, 4)