Broken Bridges

Mar 25, 2007 17:38

Location: J'lor and Vellath's Weyr
Time: Day 16, Month 6, Turn 3
Players: J'lor and E’sere
Scene: After talking to Derek, E’sere goes to find J’lor. Sometimes time apart just makes people bitter.

Vellath and J'lor's Weyr

The cavern is set high on the cliff wall and offers a sparing ledge that is adequate enough for a blue dragon but would prove cramped for the larger colors. The inner weyr is equally modest and allows enough room for a mattress piled high with furs and a roughly hewn desk and chair. A woven rug, the colors dulled and the cloth threadbare, is spread out on the floor. A newer and more brightly colored weaving hangs on one of the walls, and if it is novicely made, it is at least cheerful. The only other decoration is a single hide posted up on the stone wall next to the mattress. It is crinkled with age, the worn image depicting a rider and a blue dragon with color and markings clearly intended to be Vellath's. The drawing looks to be done in a child's hand.

The sun is down and the weyrlings have gotten their final lecture for the night. J'lor sits on the floor of his weyr bent, as he so often is, over an assortment of old and worn hides. He frowns faintly as he reads, squinting a bit in the greeny-gold glowlight that stretches shadows and casts mild illumination into the room. On the ledge, Vellath has slipped off into sleep, a thick dark blue coil breathing slowly.

It's been some time since E'sere has made the climb up to this particular ledge, but tonight he does so again, finding again his way up to J'lor and Vellath. He crests the ledge and straightens, dusts himself off as usual, and after glancing over the sleeping dragon briefly, he slips toward the doorway to stand just outside it. "Good evening, sir," he offers in greeting.

The man reading doesn't look up. "E'sere," he replies, his voice smooth and cool. "What." Only that, it seems.

"I spoke to Derek earlier," answers E'sere after a moment, staying where he is, standing rather formally. "He'd like for me to visit Five Mines again, and gather from them what supplies we need for S'val."

That catches J'lor's attention a bit more than the introduction did. Hides are set down and the bluerider moves to peer over his shoulder at the younger man in his doorway. "Really?" His tone is surprised and maybe a little bit pleased. "What do you need, then?"

"I intend to go as soon as possible," E'sere offers, with a bare hint of smile for the reaction he elicits. "But as I am no healer myself, I'd like to take one of them with me when I leave." Expectantly, he regards J'lor then, that smile vanishing at once into seriousness.

"All right," is J'lor's quiet agreement. "Ask her. She might be willing to go. Diya's watching him closely. She could probably do so by herself with assistance from the others for a couple of days. Our healer knows what's needed better than I, anyhow."

"Yes, sir," agrees E'sere with a nod. "If he can manage with the Weyrwoman long enough for us to go, that would be excellent. I do hope she is willing, though--if not..." He lifts his shoulders slightly, letting his frown deepen at that idea.

"I can't imagine she wouldn't be," J'lor muses, his head canting tot he side. "She's doing everything she can for him. I can't think she'd turn down the opportunity to gain supplies that could save his life. There's no one else to send, really."

E'sere nods once to that, ruefully. "We've others who know basics, yes? The other other /real/ healer we have is K'tric," he remarks. "And of course, he's quite busy now with Kasvatuth."

With a small nod, J'lor agrees easily. "Exactly." He glances back to his hides for a moment. "She'll go. Was there anything else?"

Shaking his head once, E'sere says, "No, sir. That was all I wanted to ask about. I'll let you get back to work."

"All right." The bluerider looks as if he might turn back to his hides, but he pauses to look back over at E'sere. "Have Morelenth tell Vellath. When you go."

"Yes, sir," E'sere agrees then, before turning to step out onto the ledge again and start downward to the ground.


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