
Mar 23, 2007 01:14

Location: Beach
Time: Afternoon on Day 16, Month 6, Turn 3
Players: L'vok and J'lor
Scene: L'vok has some concerns. J'lor has few answers.

On a Western Island, Beach

The island's south-facing beach is long and narrow, tapering in broad curves to the east and west. The grey sand slopes up toward a short, rocky precipice. The cliff is about the height of a tall man, and several paths have been worn or cut into it. They lead to the treeline of a tropical forest, tall and shadowy even in the brightest sunshine.

Three islets are visible to the south, separated from the big island by relatively calm and shallow sea. The two nearest islet frames the silhouette of the farthest one and could be reached by capable swimmers. The third islet is far beyond the other two, a mere shape visible out to sea. Boats await at the shoreline for fishing and travel to the islets.

In the wet season, a clear day is little more than the rains catching their breath. Though heavy clouds loom ever present, they split apart every so often to allow clear crisp sunshine to sneak through.

It's early afternoon and just after the midday meal, which find L'vok helping some with pulling in nets and now gutting some of the fish for meals. He glances over the water some, lost in thought and sighs a little, but focuses on the fish needed for the meal that evening. Benreth is sunning himself close by, after finishing some stretches that his lifemate wanted him to do, but the older weyrlings attention seems to be somewhere else.

Not one to shirk his own chores, J'lor is another one of the island residents that has been set to hauling nets and gutting fish. Not a particularly glamorous job, but a necessary one. As the catch was brought in, he stepped away to speak to one of the other men, but whatever issue had the pair conferring quietly has been concluded. The bluerider moves along the beach, looking for a good spot to seat himself and take up the task of removing fishy innards. Noting the somewhat somber-looking L'vok, it is near the weyrling that he seats himself. "Something on your mind?" J'lor asks with an easy smile that sets his dimple flashing.

L'vok nods with a slight frown, "well, yes. It has been for some time actually. It's about going back to the High Reaches area." A pause then as if the older needs time to phrase what he says right, and focuses on gutting the fish for a moment, "I know how I voted at the meeting, but I still am not happy about going back to *that-" the word has a tinge of disgust in it, "area, nor will I ever be completely comfortable with that. I made a promise though and intend to keep it." A breath then as the brownrider guts another fish carefully, "Do you think this will work? and what if the boys try to return home?"

The bluerider reaches down and picks up a fish all his own. The motions are ones the man could likely do in his sleep, and he does them now as he talks. "I believe it is a good first step, and I think, of all the places we could go, being within High Reaches territory is the safest." There is a small pause as the fish is filleted, the edible pieces set aside and the rest pushed into the pile of unwanted innards and organs. "I've spoken to the boys on various occasions. My hope is that they have sense enough to stay. They behave as if they do. I'll try and send word to their families once we're there."

L'vok blinks and nods as he works on another fish. The weyrling then peers at the bluerider, "Well, it may be safe for some, but what of us who have a....history in that area?" There is a twinge of concern in the former guard's voice then as he speaks, making the brownrider wince when he hears it. A slight pause then, "Also, will the boys be allowed to see their families?"

Fish number two is picked up and pared down, and J'lor keeps his gaze on his hands and the knife he holds. "We are going back," he says quietly. "Do you suppose there is anywhere on the mainland that has fully forgiven us our transgressions? Do you suppose that there is truly any place where we are -not- known and unwanted?" One hand is held away and flicked, translucent scales spattering onto the sand before the bluerider resumes. "I don't know about the boys and their families. I hope so, but we'll have to see. It will be several months before you and the others will really be ready to between. It's my hope that we won't leave here until then, but...Anyhow, I cannot predict exactly what we'll find over there. I will not make any promises I cannot keep."

A slight snort then as the brownrider carefully works on another fish, "I never ask others for promises. It only leads to disappointment. It will be...difficult to return there for many reasons. I grew up near High Reaches Hold and hoped I would never return anywhere near there." A slight pause then as he considers, "I know no one will truly want us or forgive us since that would be expecting too much. I will go, but with reluctance.' He glances up and peers at j'lor for a moment before returning to the fish. "I know you can not promise this, but I would like permission sometime, when it is possible and feasible to do so, to help M'cay see his family. *If* we are able to let the boys do so."

J'lor works in silence for a spell, fingers moving and fish getting picked up and picked apart. "There's nothing I can really say to that request just now, L'vok. Later, when we all have a better sense of how it will be there, I will think on it."

A simple nod then as L'vok focuses on the fish and cleaning them, "I understand. I know how much the boys miss their families and have heard them talk about it, especially M'cay. i am hoping they won't risk trying to see their families on their own, but they might. If M'cay tries, I will do my best to persuade him otherwise until we can safely do it, but if he chooses to go, I do not want him to risk it alone either." A pause to let that sink in, "I wanted you to be aware of things as they are, J'lor. Many changes have occurred as of late and dealing with them all isn't easy."

"So I have noticed," the bluerider murmurs wryly. "If you genuinely believe M'cay may try something rash, I'll speak to Diya and see if Nenuith won't inhibit his bronze for the time being. I'd rather not, however. I'd prefer to trust M'cay to do the safest thing for himself and his dragon. I'm not keeping the boys from their families because I wish them to be unhappy." J'lor sighs softly and turns his knife slowly. "They are not the only ones with loved ones that they miss, and some of us have been apart from them far longer than a few months. But for now, I cannot think of any way to orchestrate a safe reunion. I'm sorry."

L'vok nods empathetically at the position J'lor is in, "I understand that. I have no one to return to, and thus can only sympathize with those who do. I know M'cay will not try to return now, or for at least some time when we go back. It's if things go badly or if time passes and the temptation gets too strong, I am not sure what will happen with M'cay or any of the boys. For now, I do not think there is a need to speak to Diya, but as a leader, you should be aware of some things they may not speak directly to you about." A pause as L'vok twirls the knife in his hands for a moment before looking for more fish, "Since I have no one there I want to see and some may recognise me, I need to consider distancing myself from Derek and the guards more than I already have. It may be the only way I really have a good chance there."

"I don't expect Derek plans on running into those who would do him or his men any harm. At least," the bluerider sighs as if the next words exhaust him, "not without some sort of plan. And if I am, as you say, a leader here, it would be my hope that there is nothing others feel the cannot speak directly to me about. Still," J'lor pauses to wipe his knife clean on his pants and tuck it away again, "even I am not that naive. I think I'd better get these to the main encampment so they're ready for dinner." The fish, he must mean, as that is what he is gathering up as he speaks.

Nodding in agreement, L'vok moves to help the bluerider with the fish, "If I hear of any talk among the boys about visiting family without permission, I will speak with you about it, if you wish. I know I can't stop them myself, but at least you can be made aware of the talk that goes on." L'vok wipes his knife clean and glances the fish over another time, "Derek.....will probably have a plan of some kind that he won't be sharing with others.' A snort then as the weyrling shakes his head, "Derek was also a mistake in many ways." The former guard leaves the last statement like that without much further explanation to it.

And the bluerider keeps his own counsel. All he murmurs is a faint "Mmm," and, for the offer of speaking to J'lor if anyone plans a dash home, "I'd appreciate that." The rest of the trek back to the main clearing is made in thoughtful silence.


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