Feb 18, 2006 09:19
At work and just before settling down to some requests, so I thought I would give ya a lil update.
Well, it is indeed saturday and I am here until 5pm. I think my manager is coming in today to get this place in an uproar. He was going on and on about insurance last night and what not to the other girl.
So again, the coworker made us 40 minutes late out of work last night. complete bullshit. ALSO a guy comes in to ask questions about hotels, so I start telling him information and things and getting prices. Next thing you know the phone rings. Instead of my coworker picking up the phone she lets it ring and ring and ring. Finally I interrupt what I was doing and said can you hold a minute. So she held the phone and I went back to work. Numb nuts doesn't have enough sense to get off the phone and answer the other telephone call, meanwhile here I am juggling 2 people at once, one on the phone and one infront of me. Just so she could look up a non exsistant fucking trip to las vegas for march break!!! ITS NOT HAPPENING PEOPLE! So, I tell the guy infront of me to hold on a minute, as he is looking at the information, I start helping the other girl on the phone. then back and forth between the two. the next thing I know, he is sitting infront of her, and BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH with him getting him on these other fucking hotels that I didn't even mention to him. If she wasn't going to help that guy infront of me, or answer the phone, why does she deserve this sale? So, not only does this type of situation happen once that day, it happened twice, while I was trying to get information from someone, the phone rings and she turns around and says. im on hold with intair, can you get that line? JUST as I was speaking to someone infront of my face, WHAT the hell. put that line on hold if you are on hold, AND ANSWER the god damn phone!
She has no sense, always makes us late out of work, and I swear if she makes us late again today im going to scream, RAWR just like that.
dunno what else to say, so when my manager comes in and that girl is here, im going to high tail it out of here and go get photocopies done of booking forms, that will take an hour hopefully ,so I don't have to listen to one of them kiss ass while the other praise all the good work she does for the company when here I am booking shit too.
Tonight, is definately a relaxing night, I think it will be to the bar for me this evening, its super cold out tonight so, im sure it will be a good night indoors.
Take care everyone.