TM Prompt #220

Mar 03, 2008 15:23

If you could buy a magic potion, what would it be?

If? I can only suppose that the author of this question hasn't visited the downlevels of Coruscant lately. Last time I was at Dex's Diner, I was approached by no fewer than five beings offering to sell me concoctions that promised everything from helping me to achieve advanced age to sexual prowess to the sprouting of several extra pairs of arms and legs. Needless to say I rejected all of them. I fail to see what good advanced age will do me if I am killed tomorrow by the Sith, I have little use for sexual prowess as a Jedi, and while extra arms and legs might be useful in facing someone such as Grievous, I don't know how much good they would do me in everyday life.

In truth, if I were to design a magic potion to do something that I wanted ... well, no, that is hardly the way to think of this matter. My needs are secondary when compared with the state of the galaxy at the moment. What the Republic needs is peace, and reunification. We need to end this war that is destroying us and the principles for which we stand. We need a magic potion that will return the power to the people. Of course it's absurd to even think of a potion doing such a thing. But at times like these, it is hard not to want to believe in magic. On the battlefields, you sense that the only entity that will be able to put this mess together again is magic.

Or perhaps the Force.

I suppose you're expecting me to talk about something for myself. A potion that would fulfill one of my desires. But the only desire I have, at the moment, is to see the Force and the galaxy returned to balance. I care about the Republic and it hurts me to see it in such disarray. So if there were a potion that could achieve this, I guarantee I would be happy. Perhaps not all of my problems would be solved, but I would at least be content with the state of affairs.

At times, I fear for us all.

Muse: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Words: 363

theatrical muse

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