Oct 05, 2012 16:48
I am now over my anger enough to write on my blog my reaction to Wednesday's debate. My anger wasn't at President Obama or his performance. My anger was at MSNBC and the post debate Spinners. I wasn't real excited by President Obama's performance, but I didn't see anything that hurt him. He didn't give the Republicans a single line they can play on ads the next 5 weeks. No gaffs. I was almost giddy when Romney fired Bigbird with a grin on his face and then jumped up and down with excitement when he said he would repeal Obamacare, but magically keep coverage for pre-existing conditions. Romney's remarks weren't accidential gaffs, they were pre-prepared by a stupid campaign. I expected that when the debate ended, the msnbc commentators would go to work on all the material they were just handed on a silver platter. Instead, they saw the gaffs and lies, but didn't attack. Instead they attacked Obama for not attacking. With friends like that Obama doesn't need any enemies.
I couldn't sleep Wednesday night thinking of all the missed opportunites of the Spinners. I can't blame the campaign spinners for missing the Golden opportunities handed them. It is very hard to play offense when your friends are forcing you to play defense. I blame everyone, and I mean everyone, on msnbc. Here is just one example of what they could have done:
As soon as the debate ended they should have had Maddows or Mathews come up on the sceen with a big smile on his or face face talking about possibly the biggest gaff in the history of Presidential debates. This person would have talked about how kids go to kindergarden knowing their letters, their numbers, and their shapes because of the best teacher in the country, Bigbird. Then they could have shown Romney with that big grin on his face firing this teacher so he could give tax cuts to the wealthy. Then they could have shown the clip of Romney saying he likes to fire people. The Obama spinners would have taken their clues from msnbc and went to work doing their job. There are 100s of attacks they could have made, but didn't. I wondered whether they saw the same things I saw, but then both Maddows and Mathews started listing all the responses Obama could have made. They saw the gaffs, but were upset beause Obama didn't attack. I got so mad at them at that point, I was screaming at my TV. Nobody can do everything. Even Obama needs help from his friends and they abondoned him Wednesday night.
Newspaprers after a debate always watch all the cable channels to determine their headlines and their articles. We will never know how many headlines would have been changed to "Romney Fires Bigbird" from the "Romney Wins" headlines appearing in just about every paper, and I blame the msnbc commentators for this.