I periodically change the icons for my desktop folders - I have one for my research, one for my research assistant work, one for stuff-to-do, etc. I change the picture according to whimsy or finding a really suitable icon.
Recently I changed my own research icon to
this little gem.
The one for my research assistant one is
this one:
Not that this reflects how I'm feeling or anything. *look nonchalant* At least my 'to do' list has a
productive little robot (the Mac program Automator's icon):
I can't remember where now, but someone made reference on a webpage to the period 'When Greeks Ruled the Earth.' My mind immediately went to seeing the banner from Jurassic Park in my mind's eye (except obviously in JP it said 'dinosaurs,' not 'Greeks') falling down while the Tyrannosaur roared in front of it.
Kind of small, but you get the picture.
Now have idea of Greeks stomping around and terrorising people like dinosaurs - as I have only heard this phrase in relation to dinosaurs in the past. I can even see the Greeks holding their hands in front of them and everything, pretending to have little tiny ineffectual t-rex arms(tm) while they savage the enemy and tread the world under their feet. Hee!
Some links of interest to some of you on my f-list:
Ray Bradbury denies free speech message in Farenheit 451 Now this made me think about sense and message, and how once released, a story takes on a life of it's own, with multiple lenses and no one holding it's leash. I do feel freedom of interpretation is both the greatest strength and weakness of the written word.
Four Steps to Reading Your Reviews has good suggestions to stop you going mad at the criticism (applies to a certain type of writer but can be applied far more widely.)
It's been a while since I did a good quiz and I have two currently in production - and not music quizzes! Oh, no, these are two new types I'm trying out - a literature quiz and a history one. Oh, okay, so the history one is historical events as referred to in song, but hey, it's a step away. ...right?
In other Quiz News, the LTU History Society Trivia Night is coming up again...but considering how appalling it was last year, do I really want to go? And could I actually persuade any of you to come with me?