More or less inadvertently, I discovered that truly motivated people can see "The Devil's Whore," the English Civil War* farrago with a dream cast can be watched Instantly on Netflix. It's kind of like a secret handshake, because it's indexed as "The Devil's Mistress" for some purposes and "Whore" for others, and it's one two-hour and one 90-minute segment, but the first part is described as Episode 5 with the (actually nonexistent) Episodes 1-4 described as "unavailable." (cut for length)
Andrea Risborough, who isn't very interesting but who does look specifically like a 17th-century hottie, plays Angelica Fanshawe, who, Zelig-like has an assortment of husbands covering much of the political spectrum.
Dominic West, Wart and All, plays Cromwell** although you can tell when he turns Evil because they give him another wart. Peter Capaldi is Charles I. Harry Lloyd (Visaerys) is Prince Rupert, he just shows up for a minute at the beginning to be Decadent and Evil. Michael Fassbender is Husband #2, the one she really likes, which just goes to show how Scarletically foolish she is because behind Husband Door #3 is John Sim as Edward Sexby. He's just great. He Lurvs her! And he keeps getting more scars and then he has a steel hand. Just like Bucky. And although he Lurvs her for about a decade before she notices he's alive, they finally get together when she's in her Wicked Lady highwayman outfit and he's disguised as a nun.
Worth the price of admission for the C17 Summer of Love Happening scene.
I got another copy of the first Odyssey 5 disk, and am looking forward to Disk #2. I'm still brooding about the bit where Peter Weller breaks down and tells his wife [slice of bolonium] and she says "Are you having an affair?" I mean, not only is this sloppy writing, but, damn, if The Trustee or my friends told me that they were sandwiched in bolonium, I'd BELIEVE them. I mean, that's what friends are for.
*Although she's kind of like Scarlett O'Hara, so it's pan-Civil War
**I also just read Bring up the Bodies, so it's Cromwell Week chez E'trix.