Jan 03, 2010 22:14
Just a quick piece of info here since nobody in my page has posted this yet...
Apparently, our G said "I broke my (tooth)teeth" through the Touch The Numbers game.
Granted, the precise translation would just be "broke tooth(teeth)" and doesn't specifically say who broke how many teeth ^^;, but I'm naturally assuming he means his own tooth(teeth).
He was reportedly enjoying snowboarding with You, so there is rumor that he broke his tooth during that fun. But it could've been something else... (that rambunctious boy, G... *tsk tsk tsk*)....
We'll see how well his dentist will fix that!
Man........ =____=
Anyway, I guess he's not seriously injured, so that's all that matters.
BTW, it's funny how he's using that game platform as if it were Twitter. XD