I just wanted to write down a few things before I forget...
1. Tessa (
sarahlgollum ) and Oli (
liathchan ), belated "thank you"s for your Christmas cards!
Tessa, A Christmas Story's gotta be my favorite Christmas movie. I die laughing every time I watch it. Classic. That card was perfect! ^_~
Oli, I loved your elegant card. That painting must be like where your folks live, no? I'm jealous!! X3
2. I got my GACKTIONARY this morning. YEAH, BABY, YEAH!! Hmmmm, there are 100 GACKTic quotes...
I'll be translating them SLOWLY in my comm. My goal is to translate them all in a year.
What? Is that even possible?
No F***ing Way!! Ahahaha, It's just a goal. (wut!? =P)
BTW, if there are translators out there who want to tackle Gactionary, too, please don't let me put you off!! Even though I try to do my best in terms of accuracy as well as the rhythm of my translations, I know they always have room for improvements. Besides, I think it's better when there are more than one translation available for any one material.
3. OK. This year, I really want to go ahead and get back to gaming and play....
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
But I don't have PSP. T__________T***** (We only have Nintendo DS. Which is good. But quite useless to me. =__=)
I used to be a hard-core FF fan.... And we DO have PS3.... Why, oh, why does it have to be for PSP? Y___Y
Anyway, I'll try to play it somehow, though. Because if you watch something like this (↓), how can you not!? Srsly. HOW!? 0_______o
(But I'm pretty sure this is the ending of Dirge of Cerberus: FF VII... right? Should I play this one first before CC??? Anyone?)
Click to view
Come ON!!!! I always thought Sephiroth was the hottest bad-ass babe EVER in the history of video games, but....but.....now..... OH "G"!!!!
OK. I've said enough.